Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [prep] [pos pn] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The latter , naturally , are unlikely to accept this interpretation of the results ; they have little sympathy for those who have performed badly due to their inherent lack of ability or inadequate preparation .
2 I am most grateful to my hon. Friend for raising that matter .
3 I am most grateful to my hon. Friend for that expression of view .
4 I am most grateful to my hon. Friend .
5 I am most grateful to my hon. Friend .
6 I am most grateful to my hon. Friend .
7 The Chiefs of Staff also seem to have been strikingly narrow in their strategic vision , disregarding the political and diplomatic problems arising from Britain 's role in the Middle East .
8 His own preferment was not a little due to his discerning hospitality .
9 Louisa felt a little helpless before his diffident manner , and she was surprised when Emilia insisted that she remain in the room throughout Frere 's third visit ; surprised and discomfited , for it was not a happy interview .
10 Her skirt was short , above slim , silk-stockinged legs , and her peach-coloured rayon blouse was open almost indecently low upon her well-formed bosom .
11 THE DOCTOR : There 's something fundamentally absurd about your attributing reason to a lunatic .
12 We had been a little apprehensive about our chosen date as the May Fair was in full swing in the streets of Leominster , but everyone managed to reach the right car park and transport their offerings for a bring and buy produce stall which raised over £30.00 for the College Appeal .
13 Venice , intensely touchy about its international status , was particularly liable to take umbrage if one of its representatives were not offered such a present or were offered one of less value than expected : the failure of the duke of Savoy to make a gift to a departing Venetian ambassador in 1603 , for example , aroused notably bad feeling in the republic .
14 Sam looked out over the flooding river and breathed in the damp smell of the morning as if testing wine for bouquet , and I thought that he lived through his senses to a much greater degree than I did and was intensely alive in his direct approach to sex and his disregard of danger .
15 ‘ I look rather different without my white coat ’ , she says , ‘ but unfortunately a dancer 's legs do n't last forever ’ .
16 But they are still highly circumscribed in their authority , and wholly dependent upon their salaried employment .
17 It 's presumably popular for its unusual appearance , but it requires very dim lighting and a peat or sand substrate in which it can burrow for food .
18 Genuinely considerate and sympathetic to others , she is rather disorganised in her day-to-day functioning but has learned to delegate attention to detail and accuracy while she focuses on broader , long-term objectives .
19 By now almost wholly French in his artistic outlook , in August 1824 he was as amazed as his French contemporaries when Constable 's Hay Wain and Hampstead Heath were exhibited at the famous Salon Anglais .
20 Stung by his cool sarcasm , suddenly acutely embarrassed by her spurned show of emotion , she put her coffee-cup down with a sharp click and started gathering her bags , preparing to leave .
21 I am extremely grateful to my hon. Friend for reminding the House of our special announcements to ensure that special features of properties adapted for the disabled should be disregarded .
22 I try regularly to remind everyone of that point , and I am extremely grateful to my hon. Friend for reminding the House of it .
23 Why is he still here , so discontented in his native village ? ’
24 The ball come across and er I see Bedford had his back to the goal , and I could see he was going to swivel and hit it with his left foot , and I 've just come across the goal and er , he just hit it down low to my right hand side and luckily I 've come the right way and pushed it wide .
25 It is kept alone due to its aggressive behaviour — it attacked two large Pacus and a 1½″ long Arrowana and had to be swiftly moved .
26 As the man at reception gave her the key to her room with a knowing look , Kelly reflected that she had n't felt so guilty since her teenage party days .
27 Driving away into the city streets , she 'd never felt so alone or so friendless in her entire life .
28 We would like to hold a National Draw this year , and this is only possible with your wholehearted support .
29 This is so refreshing in our instant culture , where we are invited to ‘ do ’ the Lake District in a week !
30 His own paintings , an unusual and sometimes uneasy melding of academic style with nascent Impressionism , have generally been neglected , perhaps due to their extreme rarity only about seventy exist .
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