Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [prep] [noun sg] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 First , bankers are so used to thinking of intangibles as chiefly useful for pricing takeovers and then minimising taxes after them ( intangibles can be amortised for tax purposes ) that they have been slow to see them as a way of wooing investors .
2 Relative to boys they achieve highly in English and modern languages , yet … the curriculum in these areas is no less biased in favour of males .
4 Calculation of the net sums required by the rules can not , therefore , be challenged on grounds of the public policy enunciated in British Eagle International Airlines Ltd v Compagnie Nationale Air France.13 Further , by s 164 of the same Act , the power of a clearing member 's liquidator to disclaim onerous contracts is not available in respect of contracts registered with LCH ; and by s 165 the provisions of insolvency law concerning transactions at an undervalue , preferences and transactions to defraud creditors are not available in respect of such contracts or dispositions made pursuant to them .
5 This proved to be more interesting and was certainly more lively by way of finds — every few yards produced a Georgian or Jacobean halfpenny .
6 ‘ Of a team of fifty people who were once involved with conservation of antiquities , only three saw the liberation in 1979 ’ .
7 But if descriptive phrases are necessary to introduce names or things that can be seen and pointed at , they are clearly even more necessary in respect of objects that can not be seen , or no longer exist .
8 The enemy 's withdrawal was probably due to lack of supplies , for they also had to bring food into the mountains .
9 The discharge of sewage from boats has also contributed to eutrophication problems in the region ( which is mainly due to runoff of fertilisers from adjacent arable land ) .
10 A buyer needs to be kept informed about each and every detail that crops up during the course of the transaction and , immediately prior to exchange of contracts , it is good practice to supply a written report to the buyer , explaining precisely what the property entails in a legal sense .
11 Public accountability is particularly important in respect of activities over which the government has a monopoly and in respect of which the citizen has no choice but to deal with the government .
12 Research is increasingly concerned with evaluation of services as well as assessment of need .
13 If you have to go somewhere else due to lack of facilities that is the next step , otherwise you are pretty well set .
14 The province has become sadly familiar with news of lay-offs and redundancies , factory closures and company collapses .
15 I am very sorry about loss of jobs .
16 If you are n't very good at thinking of ideas , try using other people 's ideas as a springboard for your own .
17 Erm we 're very good at lot of plans , practical working , and carrying out in a specific way .
18 Lugh was being very fair about distribution of supplies .
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