Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [verb] [prep] such [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The fact that he found it less easy to talk about such things to a young girl did not mean he was less impassioned than she was .
2 Elderly couple households fare much the same as all households , but elderly persons living alone are much less likely to benefit from such goods .
3 If the West is not careful to attend to such concerns , it could foster the fury that has not come .
4 In addition , apparently unrelated and contradictory theories appear to coexist in economics , and given the nature of economic data it is difficult if not impossible to distinguish between such theories using classical statistical methods .
5 Single girls of good family were not supposed to know of such things , but Sally-Anne , if not an active suffragette , knew about Miss Annie Besant , and those who said that women should not be tied to endless childbearing and that there were practical ways of avoiding it .
6 However , will the right hon. Gentleman accept from me , speaking as the Member of Parliament for Belfast , South , that those engaged in terrorism are not inclined to listen to such appeals , and that the security situation must be dealt with ?
7 Kingman concluded : ‘ It is not necessary to specialise in such studies to be aware that our ways of structuring sentences and thoughts , and , by extension , our ways of structuring our cultural values and beliefs , affect the whole of our individual and social lives . ’
8 It is also worth remembering that since it is the older type of housing that lacks basic amenities , elderly people are more likely to live in such accommodation .
9 The proportion of output given up varied according to such factors as region , land quality and time , some allowance being made for the abundance of the harvest .
10 Though it is now unfashionable to dwell on such matters , there is in sport an insistence upon physical supremacy and the partisanship of an elite , strength through enjoyment and the worship of the hero , the bond of uniform and nationalism , lying uneasily parallel to the appeal of those same traits in popular Fascism .
11 It is now wrong to think of such areas as having many individual sites , because , as with the uplands , what we are seeing and recording are complete landscapes .
12 ‘ Whatever the contribution of aggressive toys to children 's anti-social behaviour may be , ’ concludes Professor Goldstein , ‘ it is fairly minor compared to such factors as the parents ' use of aggression and their tolerance of their child 's aggression . ’
13 The study concludes that ‘ teasing of disabled children does occur both in and out of school … older pupils and those in integrated schooling are particularly likely to come across such behaviour . ’
14 It is sometimes difficult to distinguish between such processes and true appendages but the principal types of organs which have been included under this category are : ( I ) Pseudopods , which are characteristic of many dipterous larvae .
15 What should you do if you do n't live in London , and find that it is financially difficult to pay for such courses ?
16 ‘ Mo you 're too respectable to look at such things .
17 Too old to struggle with such incongruities , many of his later designs , however neatly composed , lack the confident style of his work before 1850 .
18 It is very easy to laugh at such calculations ; even King 's pre-1692 figures were just wild guesses .
19 A word of caution should be given here : it is all too easy to talk about such things as ‘ Australian English ’ , and ignore the great variety that inevitably exists within such a large community of speakers .
20 Various experiments done in volcanic environments have shown that proteinoid globules are very likely to form in such regions .
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