Example sentences of "[adv] [art] [noun] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This was presumably the reply given to the representative of HQ Army Group E whom Gen Schmidt-Richberg had been instructed on 13 May to send back to HQ 5 Corps at 1400 hrs the following day .
2 Slowly the girl toppled to the ground .
3 Eventually the day consecrated by the Romans to the sun was identified with the Jewish first day , and given a Christian interpretation where Christ was referred to as the ‘ Sun of Righteousness ’ .
4 Eventually the car slowed to a halt .
5 Eventually the headman passed on the hookah stem and stood up , saying he 'd go and fetch the soothsayer .
6 Notice that it takes on the formatting contained in the paragraph mark that follows it .
7 From then on the figures used in the White Paper to set targets for future spending were set in ‘ cash terms ’ .
8 A power to carry out improvements will not usually entitle a landlord to replace existing buildings with buildings in which the tenant can not carry on the business permitted under the lease ( Leathwoods Ltd v Total Oil ( Great Britain ) Ltd [ 1985 ] 2 EGLR 237 ) .
9 I pass on the advice given by the Lochcarron police : Do n't panic , the pilots know what they are doing and where they are going .
10 Rather the approach adopted by the Christian communicator should be in the form of critical contextualisation , which endeavours to criticise culture according to the values of the gospel of the reign of Christ as it impacts on a specific community .
11 Furthermore the clergy extracted as a quid pro quo some deceptively reassuring royal answers to their grievances , the answers known as the Articuli Cleri or ‘ Articles of the Clergy ’ .
12 he screamed to persuade himself that he was not frightened , and suddenly the barricade dissolved in an explosion of smoke through which the musket flames stabbed like shivers of light and the General 's long white moustache was whipped by a bullet that went on to tear away his left ear-lobe , but that was the only injury he took for he had always been a lucky man , and he caught a glimpse of long weeds shivering under the silver water beneath the bridge , then he kicked his heels hard back , and his awkward ugly horse clumsily jumped the heaped-chairs at the right-hand end of the barricade .
13 But I was beading up the Dale , climbing steadily with the engine pulling against the rising ground , then quite suddenly the fog thinned to a shimmering silvery mist and was gone .
14 The LSE 's walls were plastered with slogans — a favourite being ‘ Beware the Pedagogic Gerontocracy ’ — and suddenly the Situationists moved from the world of small magazines , happenings , and Alex Trocchi to hand out their leaflets , and flypost their documents on ‘ Ten Days that Shook the University ’ .
15 These objectives , however , proved vulnerable to external events , especially the disruption caused by the miners ' strike of 1984–5 , and the government was forced to revise them downwards .
16 His defence of his ‘ diverness ’ is that this is the way he experiences the world , others treat him differently all the time ( especially the figure addressed in the sonnet ) and he responds in kind .
17 Every long service worker employed at the plant and within the division knew that union restrictive practices had lowered productivity to below the levels achieved on the continent .
18 Poland has cut its use of ozone depleting substances to below the levels demanded by the international community in the Montreal Protocol [ see EDs 35/36 ; 59/60 ] .
19 You know , because tremendous publicity quite rightly the thing given to the campaign to save the pits .
20 The real reason is that competition between the various issuers has forced down the charges levied on the retailers — once as high as 3 to 5 per cent , down to an average of 2.2 per cent in 1988 and now 1.7 per cent and falling .
21 Some people find it easiest to put the seeds in the palm of their cupped hand whilst gently tapping with the other hand so that the seeds are rolled slowly down the groove formed on the palm .
22 He had almost given up hope of meeting Liza on the beach and was considering whether he would , after all , call at Four Winds , despite Eleanor 's warnings , when , to his incredulous delight , on the fifth day of his visit , he saw a different figure scrambling down the cliff followed by a little girl .
23 The pool is filled with water and bubbles and the kids scoot down the slide attached to the climbing frame into the bubble bath and the arms of a playworker who picks up one of the children and kisses his little red bum .
24 Israeli Prime Minister Itzhak Shamir , himself Polish-born , had once commented that " Poles suck in anti-Semitism with their mothers ' milk " , and a main purpose of Walesa 's visit was to ease the strains between the two countries centring on enduring Polish anti-Semitism ; Walesa himself was still trying to live down the controversy caused by a statement during his 1990 presidential campaign that he was " clean " because his family had no Jewish blood .
25 It all ended well , undoubtedly helped by the fact that one positive feature could be highlighted , namely the support and sympathy shown by the Emperor during the Indian Mutiny , when he had offered to allow passage through France to British reinforcements so that they could embark at Toulon , thus cutting down the time required for the voyage to India .
26 He glanced down the codings listed on the last of the semi-opaque sheets and imprinted his authorisation .
27 Or did his advice derive from the crooked workings of a twisted kind of covetousness — perhaps the kind prohibited by the Ninth Commandment , Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour 's wife , which had always seemed superfluous after the Sixth .
28 Perhaps the attitude developed during a long period of established practice and little change .
29 It is where the largest number of items in a sample comes to , whereas the average is obviously the sample multiplied by the number of items .
30 When contra-charges or claims have arisen between the builder and the nominated sub-contractor for such items as damage , breakages or delays then obviously the amount certified by the builder will vary from that certified in the interim certificate .
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