Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [det] [noun] it be " in BNC.

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1 It was going on through this song it 's ni , bur bur bur bur bur scratch right across the C D.
2 Perhaps for this reason it was rumoured among the boys that he was a millionaire .
3 So for some children it is deemed better to place them in small homes where it is easier to maintain continuity of care .
4 And so for these characters it is .
5 City wisdom suggests that you should n't put all your eggs in one basket , so for most people it is best to consider a single company PEP only after you 've taken out a £6,000 general plan .
6 Well that , that 's why I think I went down so hard when I did n't get that job cos she said , I , I took , I took the erm , I went , I was the first , to go , first of all I did n't put in for this job it 's one that 's been laying around since last September , I wrote to , kept to St. Mary 's for this mental health thing and I got in touch with this Mrs and she said I 've got nothing I can offer you at the moment but I , I will be in touch and I went down the job centre one day and erm , there was this thing to say that they wanted mental nurses
7 And so throughout this period it was them er trying importance upon these two goals .
8 Willi Herget , a Luftwaffe nightfighter ace with 74 confirmed kills , told me that halfway along this track it was easy to guess at the target , because a line of burning British bombers pointed the way to Nuremburg .
9 but now apparently in most cases it 's very rare with that so it 's got ta be too much eating and why do people over eat
10 A typical example is the 1978 Tremadoc Guidebook comment after the first ascent of Fingerlicker in 1975 , where alone in that guide it was pointed out that the route had only been climbed after two ‘ Yo-Yo 's ’ ( according to the 1975 definition of a Yo-Yo ) .
11 In fact , nearly all our best friends from way back now live in the States , so in that sense it 's like home from home .
12 So in many cases it 's a matter of where you live ’
13 South east very much consistent with past orders and with expectations of orders both total and export , so in this case it 's sort of the export total story as well as the domestic demand story helping the region .
14 First of all , it is notable that the land under trust has also passed to the bonorum emptor , so in this respect it is not being treated as subject to any special privilege .
15 So in some states it 's sixteen , in some states it 's eighteen , in some states twenty one er and Reagan thought it would be quite a good idea if they had uniformity across America er in which , you know , that they would raise the drinking age to twenty one er and this would then er reduce the incidence of teenage drunk driving and if you 've ever been in an American bar you will know you 're very often funnily enough they do n't ask me so much these days but you 're very often asked to prove your age , you know , er and you have to produce your driver 's licence and all the rest of it erm and so he increasing
16 So in some ways it 's cheaper insurance but in others it 's erm a bit of a sting .
17 So in those circumstances it is very often wise for a court to explain — look , normally , you 'd have got erm two hundred pounds for this offence , but because of your poor financial circumstances erm we 're imposing a fine of fifty pounds in your case .
18 It is a form of brainwashing , or what that pioneer in the study of learning processes , Gregory Bateson , called corrective learning , that information-seeking activity whereby a person attempts to ‘ achieve a congruence between ‘ something in his head ’ and the external world … by altering what is in his head ’ — only in this case it is what is in Iago 's head , ‘ If thou dost love me ’ , Othello says to Iago , ‘ Show me thy thought ’ ; earlier he had said that Iago hesitated .
19 There again , I would say that top down in this country it is fast enough , and what shake there is certainly is not accompanied by any rattles or ‘ looseness ’ .
20 Cos he 's quite good in a , but it 's so easy to get wrapped up with , obviously at that age it 's very impressionable and very like they , they must look so big to a lot of people that they go out
21 So at this moment it 's as well to look at your present experience and see how you can help yourself to extend it , before applying to audition at a drama school .
22 That does n't seem to be so at some stages it is a little difficult getting it over as a as a a retired person talking to someone who is facing redundancy about retirement .
23 Not for many people it is n't .
24 It is over my ankles and outside in some places it is waist high .
25 Moreover in many cases it is implausible .
26 Cut off from that life it is fair game for the Enemy ( see chapter seven ) .
27 Early in this section it was pointed out that not all organisations fit in easily to the three level structure .
28 Early in this chapter it was pointed out that at the beginning of the century British governments adopted an approach of relief of unemployment that largely ruled out the creation of specific employment opportunities .
29 Of these , the reindeer , reintroduced in Scotland in 1952 , is extremely limited in range ; probably for this reason it is absent from the main text .
30 I am not offering excuses , but up against such class it was unfortunate that we could not field a side at full strength .
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