Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [be] [vb pp] as [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A gene , for purposes of the theory , is a segment of genetic material divided off as best suits the investigator , who needs a unit small enough to be treated as identical through successive generations ; it has no self with which to be selfish .
2 I stayed there for five weeks and after another operation was pronounced ‘ partially sighted ’ enough to be registered as blind .
3 There was also the possibility of a more flexible use of facilities in the statutory , voluntary and private sectors , and , finally , the powerful influence of doctors over the lives of the chronically disabled would inevitably wane , a process of ‘ de-medicalization ’ which is largely to be welcomed as medical and nursing skills are only a small part of the required professional skills .
4 This is not to be viewed as condescending : Roderick regarded himself as a student of the subject and said so on many occasions during the writing of the new book .
5 Under section 89(2) and ( 3 ) the company may allot shares in accordance with that provision which is not to be treated as inconsistent with section 89(1) within the meaning of section 91 .
6 They are human , and are acknowledged to be , they can think but they are not to be acknowledged as authoritative , and if their presence demands such acknowledgement , they are bad women who should have been taught to hide or repress such demands .
7 The belemnoids disappear from the fossil record at the end of the Cretaceous , but some of the group gave rise to living squid-like animals , and so they are not to be regarded as extinct in the same , final way as the ammonoids .
8 Section 2(1) provides , inter alia , that a person 's appropriation of property belonging to another is not to be regarded as dishonest if he appropriates the property in the belief that he would have the other 's consent if the other knew of the appropriation and the circumstances of it .
9 ‘ 2(1) A person 's appropriation of property belonging to another is not to be regarded as dishonest — ( a ) if he appropriates the property in the belief that he has in law the right to deprive the other of it , on behalf of himself or of a third person ; or ( b ) if he appropriates the property in the belief that he would have the other 's consent if the other knew of the appropriation and the circumstances of it ; or ( c ) ( except where the property came to him as trustee or personal representative ) if he appropriates the property in the belief that the person to whom the property belongs can not be discovered by taking reasonable steps .
10 Section 2(1) does not change the meaning of appropriation but it tells us when appropriation is not to be regarded as dishonest ( and so does not amount to stealing ) .
11 The conclusions are not to be taken as true of every pair of things of which the second is called an effect .
12 9 per cent of initial claim enquiries not to be pursued as new claims
13 The first two years of education were to be the academic years , and there were proposals for these two years also to be seen as discrete and eligible for a Diploma of Higher Education .
14 Clearly , it could not have enhanced it ; why obey a legal system in which senior officials publicly pose as against one thing but privately collude in its occurrence — not only ought they to be condemned as hypocrites but their laws ought also to be disregarded as mere propaganda concealing the lack of will to control corporate behaviour .
15 The Box sent by the Herald and which I accidentally found in a warehouse in South Australia was as near being lost as possible .
16 Differing theological formulations , we are assured , are ‘ often to be considered as complementary rather than conflicting ’ ( Orientalium Ecclesiarum 17 ) .
17 But if this is a mistake and animals are properly to be understood as primitive beings , at least as different from us as they are similar , then their modest entitlement to humane treatment , accorded them by common sense and enshrined in the law , might well be vindicated .
18 When the adjective is one which qualifies sense , one would expect the altered phrase to have become quite useless — perhaps even to be designated as ungrammatical — precisely because such adjectives require exhibition of the properties involved in the noun in order to have their own effect , by combining with those properties ; so , if the noun or pronoun head of the phrase merely indicates entity-hood without mentioning any properties , there is nothing for the sense-qualifying adjective to work on .
19 In general , those who have emerged to lead it have often been unsuitable in personality terms and are readily to be seen as incompetent or inappropriate , even by the least perspicacious .
20 There may also be a large overlap between intuitive classification as a " thing " and lexical labelling as a noun , but this is a separate issue ; the distinction for purposes of linguistic structure between entity and property is undoubtedly to be taken as autonomous .
21 He expanded this view by referring to a number of authorities , which could only be truly explained by saying that certain contracts have become part of " the accepted machinery of a type of transaction which is generally found acceptable and necessary ; so that instead of being regarded as restrictive they are accepted as part of the structure of a trading society " .
22 Indirect Rulers ranked self-respect above all the other blessings they could bestow , wealth , health , and the conveniences of modern life paling by comparison , if they were not actually to be regarded as injurious .
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