Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [pron] [adv] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Erm I think they , I think they do that during the day and then in the evening it 's on for anybody else who wants to see that take-off on cheeses .
2 Perhaps you do n't recall the old nursery rhyme , which went : ‘ Jack Spratt could eat no fat , his wife could eat no lean/and so between them both you see , they licked the platter clean . ’
3 Yeah I 'll drop all this down for you so you do n't need to make any notes .
4 The London live scene was dead so like everyone else he drifted into the raves for excitement , and like everyone else it changed him .
5 For many years I , along with everyone else who takes an interest in jazz both here and further afield , have read and respected the forthright and honest views of a jazz critic who is without equal in our community .
6 As luck would have it , Jean-Claude found he needed some old scores he had put to one side as they were too heavy to bring along with everything else we had had to load on the motor cycle .
7 If I 'd suggested to Manuela that we murder someone , she would no doubt have gone along with it as she went along with everything else I suggested .
8 It is , in fact , sensible to take your sound recorder along with you whenever you set off on a major shoot .
9 ‘ It really is down to him how he manages in prison , ’ said one prison source .
10 and her elbows and erm all over her really she has this eczema , she 's always having to change creams cos they
11 I could see little machines assembling on the ground all around me Then I saw some more gliders coming towards me One was in the lead .
12 So she said I 'll do I 'll sort it out straight away for you well I had a phone call at
13 I mean it may have been that simple for Mr. Daytimer , who was a lawyer , erm , but I do n't think it 's , it 's , it certainly is n't that simple for me , and I , not for anybody else I know .
14 Whatever else he was he was not like anyone else I had ever met .
15 I did n't see why he should get away with it so I decided to make his day for him .
16 oh he 's already with me now she says
17 If so if somebody is a bad enough driver to sit right up your arse , three foot away from you then they deserve all they fucking get !
18 She fawned over Horatia as if the latter were of the blood royal , her say brown eyes sliding away from his whenever he looked at her .
19 Well if you , if you dialled and put it down and walked away from it then it rings , oh
20 So I phoned Mrs I eventually got through to her then I had to phone the prison to tell daddy because he was going to go in and erm I mean I , and then I go back to work , Grant .
21 Upmarket readers generally scorn to read about somebody we 've never heard of having it off with somebody else we 've never heard of .
22 when you come and stay with me , she , anyway she , she would n't , well in the end I just said that 's it I 've had enough I switched the car off and grabbed hold of her I said , frogmarched her in the car I said come on , I 'm going to bed , Rudy 's ready for bed I said I want you with me , so that I can keep me eye on you if I have to sit up all bloody night , of course when she was with me I picked her up and got her strong again and I say you have to be worth it , you 're better off without him then she come round and then she 'd say I know I am I just go down
23 The timing device is still at it so I think we 'll start the engine .
24 yeah I 've got a lot of relations , I 've got twenty , twenty seven er grandchildren , that includes the great grandchildren , twenty seven which I have er to get something for all at Christmas it 's a pantomime I 've got stuff here and everywhere sorting out for them , cos my little grandson tonight is coming round to wrap them up for me so I got to mind I have n't , leave his present in the way otherwise he 'll know what he 's got yeah he 's got , I got a tape for him , he wanted a tape called Madness so I 've got him a tape for it so I 've had to put that out the way so he does n't wrap that up , no he comes and does them up for me tonight , and a friend Ian will help him as well , so you know it 's , it 's great really
25 So people do n't get mixed up about what exactly we mean and to help when you 're reading it .
26 as if erm no , what 's up with you now he said ?
27 I felt because they could n't come up with anything else they brought this up to show it was something it home … it 's all been dropped now I think .
28 And then a week later with someone else I find I 'm arguing as he would argue .
29 Perhaps I was just being a ridiculous prig , behaving quite differently from anyone else who had ever been taken prisoner .
30 A lot of the time you just shoot because you 're caught up in something then you see it published and you 're a bit embarrassed because in your heart you know what it was .
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