Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 Instead he designed lamps on the spot and took them straight down into the mines to test them on the jets of methane .
2 Water is drawn over the disc but does not get close enough to the roots to damage them .
3 But pushing down on the legs stops them from straightening ; the legs will then have to work five times harder in order to compensate .
4 Subtitled How The World Will Change In The Depression Of The 1990s , its central hypothesis is that we are headed for a major depression , that deflation will return , that property prices will collapse by two-thirds , that Islam will pour into the power vacuum left by communism , that taxes will soar , that many major corporations will cease to exist , that anyone wealthy enough will flee big cities and away from the gangs controlling them , that countries like India , Canada , South Africa and Israel will fall to bits , that there will be plagues of locusts and frogs and that firstborn sons ought to head for the hills while they 've got the chance .
5 Securing himself in the newly built citadel on a hill overlooking the Fatimid city , Salah al-Din also launched his army once more against the Crusaders driving them from Jerusalem in 1178 .
6 Like with the names do they the personal ?
7 After that they slipped into anonymity , disappearing altogether into the buildings surrounding them , turning into workshops for alloy welding and serious industrial accidents .
8 He even opened a cafe in Tangier to hear them play every day , and took Rolling Stone Brian Jones up into the mountains to record them .
9 This teacher 's view that the Afro-Caribbean pupils felt obliged to live up to the labels given them by the school was reiterated by other teachers .
10 Actually , Maximum John was sunnily good-humoured on Monday , refraining entirely from picking anybody up by the lapels to ask them , ‘ You what ?
11 The policy of drafting reservists was put into abeyance when the conflict in Croatia eased , and the new call-up has brought hundreds of angry men on to the streets insisting they will not fight .
12 Three men were needed to do the actual fitting of the tyre : two holding the tyre after they had taken it out of the oven , and one with a bucket of water to pour on to the felloes to stop them from taking fire as the tyre was clamped on .
13 Most of them were noticeably short even on usual offices , and it did not occur even to the agents to describe them as imposing or delightful .
14 Let them keep their children instead of the children keeping them ! ’
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