Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] [noun] this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The other day I bought the enchanting ASV CD of clarinet Concertos by played by Emma Johnson and read the notes only as an afterthought this morning , having already listened to the disc several times .
2 ‘ All right if I drop in for a drink this evening ? ’ he said .
3 Regardless of the effects this waste has on marine life and the fishing industry , it has also been noted that there has been a migration of radioactive material from sea back to coast .
4 That 's right , it 's erm obviously with the developments this morning erm on one of the erm French news reporters having seem some Israeli war planes going off , I mean things are sort of worsening by the minute .
5 I would have liked to have done better in the League this season , but I can see light at the end of the tunnel now .
6 • After serving 18 months in the wilderness as punishment for running Michael Heseltine 's leadership challenge , East Hampshire MP Michael Mates was welcomed in from the cold this week when he was given a ministerial post by the Prime Minister .
7 So and I went down in the pool this morning
8 Susan : ‘ Well , Vera , I was down in the Bank this morning paying my ESB and you know what happened — an old gentleman came in with flowers for a member of the staff — it was lovely to see ’ .
9 What are you hoping to get down on the list this month ?
10 Instead , as we walked down to the bar this evening , he had been all smiles and indulgent gallantry , complimenting us on our appearance , an arm lightly circling each of our waists .
11 Right so if we get down to the hospital this afternoon
12 When you going down to the hospital this afternoon or tonight ?
13 It opens all over the country this week .
14 All over the country this week stately homes are being put to bed .
15 ‘ Apparently it 's been splashed all over the Standard this evening .
16 And out you 'll go , take it from me , especially after the fiasco you made of the press conference and the results of it spread all over the papers this morning ! ’
17 It 's been on the television news and it 's all over the papers this morning .
18 I was really depressed at the thought of coming in to the office this morning .
19 So they 're actually charging people a little bit more to get in to the pantomime this year .
20 She had not looked in on the gallery this visit .
21 Sarah was down at the nick this morning . ’
22 We heard he was down at the station this morning .
23 He was found down by the river this morning and he 'd been dead since midnight or before . ’
24 Well I I shall be away for a while this summer , so hard lines . .
25 Erm no I went away for the weekend this weekend and er made four ta tapes of me and Frank in the car driving around from er we went to erm Oxford first then we went to Bournemouth , then we went to Winchester and then we went to Cheltenham , .
26 They were going to cut bamboo stems from the thicket at the end of the path , not for the garden this time but for themselves .
27 He admitted last night : ‘ We will do well to come away with a point this time .
28 In the third division Hereford United are off to Rochdale … their one and only away in the league this season was at Darlington back in August … time for another
29 I , er , I need to be away from the office this afternoon . ’
30 ‘ Well , I 'm not in a scrape this time , so stop fussing . ’
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