Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [noun] [conj] say [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We keep meeting these people who travel down to Cornwall and say they 've surfed big breaks , but it 's all false .
2 Someone brought it in on Saturday and said she had to go to Africa and would I take it . "
3 Always greet the guest warmly by name and say something pleasant , never argue or contradict , and avoid controversial conversation .
4 They admit arranging for 5,000 dollars to be handed over in envelopes but say they were merely responding to UEFA instructions to cover the officials ' expenses .
5 ‘ One day he returned home to Chamalières and said I had a job with Michel and Pierre for £1.50 a month .
6 ‘ We found it was very easy to come up with agreements that said nothing , but would impress the folks back home and the media , ’ said Mr Goodwin .
7 It is no good my standing up in court and saying them , even to the right person at the right time , because I am not a judge .
8 Toni , lead singer with Curve , grew up in Washington and says her eight years in the area helped shape her personality .
9 But just as quickly she remembered herself , barely thirteen , standing up in class and saying she did n't think the Catholic Church was fair and the nun , red in the face , asking who did she think she was to question the Pope 's teaching .
10 I 'll tell you this … three times before he went , Michael asked me for time to go up to London and said he was having problems with his visa .
11 so Spark looked up at Tony and said you sure you 're a fucking fitter .
12 Police were forced to set him free with a warning — back to the parents who yesterday admitted he was out of control and said they wanted to see him prosecuted .
13 Pop back into bed and say you were dreaming
14 So she took the handbag back into Tesco and said I found this handbag erm and they said well give me your name and address and all that so in any rate what happened Bet ?
15 Ever since that ghastly winter 's night when she had come back from Wimbledon and said she was pregnant .
16 Deb , Deb rang back on reception and said there 's been a call , they got cut off , so she said oh that was Lynnette so Debbie said
17 We got the Gilbey bar but I no the answer to that question would be if any company or org organisation was prepared or wished to talk about funding the theatre in any way and I think were 'd be more than welcome to sit down with and talk them and say well how would you perceive that which way would you like to go about it how can we assist that and I think we 're be open to suggestions from them how they see it I mean you know it could be seats it could be programmes it could be any any arrange of things that we 'd certainly welcome who approach us from companies but we I think we are pro-active in sense that we do n't wait for that to happen we actually go out but was said early I think given the recession it has been difficult lately to actually go out to companies and say I mean sure companies like the Harlow Council find it extremely finance the finances extremely difficult on them and with the recession it 's really difficult for them to actually find funding and I know lot 's of companies who actually cutting back on it certain areas I think funding of oth outside organisations will be one of the areas they 'll be cutting back on .
18 Greenpeace workers had begun packaging the 425 tonnes of waste , dumped in the Sibiu area of central Romania , for safe transport back to Germany and said they would remain at the site until the transport promised by German Environment Minister Klaus Töpfer arrived .
19 Cross-examined by his solicitor , Nigel Bruce , Middleton said : ‘ I am shaking in case someone goes back to Newcastle and says something .
20 Yesterday Barry was back at work but said he had considered giving up his job and moving house following the horrific incident .
21 Her son is now back at work and says he just wants to put the whole episode behind him .
22 It was just after 9 p.m. that a PC arrived from the railway station carrying a small brown envelope , which Morse accepted with delight , smiling radiantly at Lewis but saying nothing as he slit open the top and looked briefly inside .
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