Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] he 's [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He 's still bucking up and down and he 's shaking his head too now and you 're not sure he understands , but it does n't matter all that much .
2 It 's only cos he 's doing it .
3 So And he 's doing one er not tomorrow but in a week 's time and will be perfectly happy to record it .
4 And that 's a foul by Greyson on Stone free kick to Nottingham Forest and Rozario has gone not gone down but he 's holding his leg again inside the penalty area and er he 's not a happy .
5 Well he , , well , you know but just because he 's leaving he he seems to think that he 's got to upturn the , upturn the , upturn the term .
6 I do n't know , if you 're like me but , I must confess , I I get er , I would n't say pleasure , but I rather like those incidents where he tells the disciples off , not because he 's telling them off , but because I can fit in wi with what they 've been up to !
7 He treats his actors as equals , and if he ask you a question , it 's because he wants an answer — not because he 's testing you . ’
8 But not while he 's drinking his
9 Just as soon as he 's made his greetings and told his news . ’
10 He goes well , you know , we erm , well , do n't ask okay , but just do n't touch him , okay , cos he 's dangerous just do n't , anyway the man gets drunk , he 's going he 's going like that he 's excuse me , you 're interrupting my joke .
11 Man walks home and the man 's depressed , he walks like this he has to buy a new pair of trainers on the way home cos he 's dragging his feet on the floor so much .
12 He picks her up and he 's throwing her .
13 ‘ He 's fed up 'cos he 's left his smokes behind . ’
14 ‘ I told you before that he 's throwing your plans overboard one by one .
15 And he ca n't get the note out of his pocket and his trousers are all stuck to his bum , and he ca n't get them out and he 's digging it looks like he 's digging out his pants he 's going he pulls it out and takes the envelope off nearly and the waves are coming at him and he goes to read it and the wind blows it away .
16 But he can only get a hundred pound back if he 's get it from the bank .
17 Terry B says it 's great to be back and he 's heard there 's a race for the over fifties which he may have a go at … he 's getting itchy feet and will soon be back riding for trainers … he 's also got his old job back as a steward at Worcester races and his public still love him
18 He 's certainly saying I find a pattern here because he 's using it , as his pattern to understand and I only just said at the beginning what the , makes the Jews Jewish , what gave them their national character and their , their ethnic identity .
19 Well while he 's raking it in every bloody week for sitting on his behind in parliament there , he can pay for them !
20 Then once he 's rematerialised we will be able to fight him , hmm ? ’
21 If I go and tell that mod over there that he 's insulted his tie and then I go and tell the rocker that the mod 's been rude about him , we 'll get them burning down the pier . ’
22 But he knows all kinds of People over there and he 's getting me what I need .
23 ‘ He 's fallen again and he 's broken his leg this time .
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