Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] he [adv] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In five days , ’ said Harvey when we were outside the cubicle , ‘ we can indoctrinate a man so that he really believes his cover story better than he believes his own memory .
2 She would blush furiously , her pale complexion flooding red so that he actually imagined her blood flowing in a hot tide to the surface of her flesh ; a thought he found exciting .
3 Thank you , dear love ! ’ he declared fervently , and , as his head came down and he tenderly touched her mouth with his , ‘ We 'll get married soon , miláčku , ’ he decreed .
4 Only if he really craned his neck sideways could he see anything of the front bedroom windows and then not enough to make the effort worthwhile .
5 He selected Whitehaven as the scene of his demonstration merely because he already knew its waters , though a reconnaissance revealed not a single large ship , much less any naval vessel , in the port , the 250 craft there being mainly small colliers or fishing boats .
6 Larry was informed that another aircraft was on cockpit checks and would he like to fly in that , especially as he already had his flying kit .
7 He 'd offered to swap stories about what had happened once they had each paired off at the party , but Graham was n't going to tell , and told Slater so as he carefully wrote her name by the side of the numbers : Sarah Fitch .
8 The use of special juries of merchants by Lord Mansfield to guide him on the law is well known — not that he always followed their suggestions .
9 Shortly after he finally bumbles his way through it , the song is performed properly by a female soprano .
10 Rune 's eyes swept across her open face and she saw his jaw tighten momentarily as he clearly read her distress .
11 They dressed quickly and he again closed his eyes in terror while they were riding in the lift .
12 If anyone asked him what had happened on a certain occasion he was n't able to tell them right off because he never put his memories into words .
13 ‘ Oh , no ? ’ he drawled mockingly as he slowly lowered his dark head towards her .
14 She threw herself into his arms , sighing deeply when he half-heartedly returned her embrace .
15 The bemused , husky whisper was cut off as he lightly pressed his finger to her lips , effectively blocking speech , taking expert advantage of her parted lips by gently forcing them wider with his finger before bending his head and covering her open mouth with his .
16 His philosophy took a long time to be appreciated , partly because he never pushed his own work , which was subsequently overshadowed by that of Wittgenstein .
17 She could n't make out whether he still had his lead on or not .
18 He is the surviving partner , though whether he still has his senses is anybody 's guess .
19 Even if he only held his cottage on a tenancy , a cottager could usually keep animals on the common pasture land , and collect fuel from the land unsuited to agriculture , known as the waste .
20 Although the denseness of the bushes prevented a clear view , Chuck saw a patch of brown-black shadow move unmistakably and he immediately raised his rifle .
21 Helen , too , was frequently informed of his over-readiness to fall in love with an attractive outward appearance , even as he constantly restated his heavy dependence upon his engrossed love for her :
22 It was then that he finally sprang his trap .
23 It was from there that he also issued his first denunciations of the Pahlavi dynasty that laid the foundations of his revolution .
24 ‘ He used to be bitter because his father never visited him either but he never let his feelings out . ’
25 He pushed her away , but quickly clung to her again when he almost lost his balance .
26 ‘ Can you hear me , Beth ? ’ he called again as he hurriedly extracted his golfing slacks from the rack .
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