Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] he [verb] at [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He very much admired the poetry of Ebenezer Elliott , the Corn Law Rhymer , that is , a poet who helped to lead the opposition to the laws which kept the price of bread artificially high , and said ‘ None of us have done better than he has at his best ’ .
2 ‘ It 's just that he was passing the house as I came in and he looked at me really strangely .
3 The warrant officer was speechless , but not for long and he thundered at him as he had on me a few minutes before .
4 At the very beginning I took it really personally when he yelled at me , ‘ Get me that , ’ but I quickly realised he has a lot on his mind during the show .
5 It was thus that he arrived at his figure of six hundred and twenty thousand three hundred and thirty one pounds to the overall cost of future care in this case .
6 I went over and he caught at my tunic with one hand .
7 The fact that her stomach no longer turned over when he looked at her came as a surprise and disappointment — even unrequited love was better than no love at all .
8 She said it too quickly and he glanced at her .
9 I watched his face as he blinked rapidly and he looked at me in disgust , or was it disbelief ?
10 I tried to fight him off but he kept at me , panting ecstasy into my face and wagging his entire rear end .
11 We go two lads there with hardly any work on me and Jan are alright now we got a third person Graham has n't got much on and er Ri Richard 's scraping round for work , so of course my ears pricked up like so I thought , Mike sensed that I 'd looked up and he looked at me and er so I just looked back he said God , God had never invented a woman with small ears !
12 I just wondered because we were in Winners once and it had some and he picked them up and he looked at them and he said I do n't think these are the right shape for my car and I know he needs some .
13 The soldier woke up with a snort ; his head jerked up and he looked at us inquiringly .
14 She did not see Gedge until six weeks later when he arrived at their door after a minor road accident .
15 His head went back and he laughed at her mutinous expression , the glint in his eyes deepening , before leaning forward again and addressing her with quiet insistence .
16 Strange , even when he looked at his eldest son , whom he knew to resemble her , he could not remember Mary 's face .
17 I ca n't agree with him even though he nods at me continuously , urging me to do so .
18 The baby moved again , opened his eyes , and puckered his face as he pulled his hands up toward his mouth ; and Isobel smiled again as he mouthed at his fingers .
19 His pale eyes glittered spitefully as he smiled at her before walking back inside .
20 His wife was crying quietly and he looked at her sadly .
21 ‘ Admiring your treasure ? ’ she enquired lightly as he turned at her entrance .
22 ‘ You 're right — a badly chosen phrase , ’ he conceded derisively as he looked at his watch again .
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