Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] he [verb] [pron] be " in BNC.

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1 It had been bad enough that he thought she was interested before this had happened .
2 Jane smiled cheerfully , so that he thought she was being charitable , or even contemptuous , and he looked down at his hands .
3 Gerald come in and he said you been on the piss already ?
4 So if he sells he 's tertiary .
5 " He will be my husband in name only and he knows I 'm in love with you .
6 ‘ Lightness ’ was not an easy charge for a religious sheikh to bear , especially if he felt there was some justification for the charge ; and in his heart of hearts , away from the public arena , Osman might well accept the need for some self-examination .
7 He 's sold me to you only because he thinks I 'm going to die soon .
8 It was something which Morton itched to do — perhaps only because he knew it was impossible .
9 This is because the skilled individual is normally working well within his capacities , he does not have to search desperately for information because he knows exactly what to look for , his movements are not hurried because they are integrated into smooth chains and he does not react suddenly because he anticipates what is going to happen .
10 The homosexual male is fine — is pretty good news , in fact , on the whole — so long as he knows he 's homosexual .
11 When he stands alone in such a place confronted by several police officers , usually some of high rank , the dice are loaded against him , especially as he knows there is no one to corroborate him as to what exactly occurred during the interrogation , how it was conducted and how long it lasted ’ .
12 Izzie left them deep in animated conversation — the monk laughing out loud as he realized he was being lured into an acting profession — and went inside the house to find Gabriel .
13 TSB Direct managing director Philip Haynes said an all-singing all-dancing banking service , like Midland 's First Direct , could follow — but only when he believed there was something ‘ demonstrably better ’ about a direct bank account compared with a traditional branch-based account .
14 So when he heard you were in town he hit on a plan to get rid of both of you .
15 He was standing miles away and he thought it was an aggressive posture .
16 He says the election is coming up soon and he thinks it 's politically motivated .
17 Cos I 've already sussed Jim out anyway cos he said it was on my contract saying I had to do the four hours .
18 Not unless he thinks you 're after his lunch , ’ he drawled wryly .
19 Shiva smiled sadly and asked why not but he knew he was being unfair to Adam as well as to himself .
20 He said this , not because he thought it was likely she would tire herself , but because he was aware of a certain lack of sympathy in his own nature and tried , conscientiously , to redress it by saying the things other people said .
21 ‘ If the chairman keeps me , it 's not because he thinks I 'm a good chap or the world 's a nicer place when I 'm here .
22 ‘ It was only when they came to see me and talked about it that he found out that when she went to bed it was to get ready for sex , while he stayed downstairs because he thought she was n't interested . ’
23 Shortly before he admitted what was happening to him , he re-read the Hippolytus of Euripides .
24 In the event , he was accepted at Birmingham University , but just before he arrived he was informed that the geography department had been closed down because of austerity measures brought in during World War N. He therefore decided to read geology instead , but shortly afterwards he received notification that this department was also to be closed .
25 Just as he discovered it was yet another Mars Bar wrapper , he slipped and pitched forward .
26 He knew he would get no more out of her , just as he knew she was getting impatient .
27 Just when he thought he was there to stay .
28 He keeps you playing outside when he knows I 'm ill and alone ! ’
29 But as soon as he heard it was in Hampstead , he smelt a rat .
30 As soon as he realised what was happening he put the pressure on , and was closing with them when he saw another assault boat .
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