Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] he [verb] [prep] it " in BNC.

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1 He felt the iron go in and he leaned on it and drove it further and then pushed all his weight after it .
2 By this time there was very little he did not know about being a prince ; and long before he came to it he would know more than most men born to it about being a king .
3 But our poetry started to flow again , though now it was he who distributed the favours : there was no call for him now to bribe me with sex , so this aspect of our relationship was something he kept under tight control , allowing sexual contact only when he felt like it and not just when I wanted it , as in the past .
4 He used to help out now and again , but only when he felt like it .
5 ‘ Indeed , if Aristotle was a master of the art and handed his philosophy down to us very carefully , should n't he have proven everything in the most perfect form , especially when he insisted upon it himself — unless perhaps he intended to make fun of us ? ’
6 His dreams were short and violent , punctuated by images of a vast , barnacle-encrusted shape which drifted disdainfully away as he swam towards it .
7 The day after , Jamie came in with the wooden dish of porridge , held it out to Cameron , then twitched it away when he reached for it and turned it upside down .
8 Killion opened fire at a hundred yards and emptied his drum in a series of probing bursts that brought a bloom of flames to the aircraft just as he skimmed over it .
9 The widower will receive many more invitations out to meals in other people 's homes in the early days too , and he will have the advantage of never having to feel trapped in the isolation of an empty house in the evenings ; for if his emotional condition after his wife 's death is reasonably steady and he feels the need of company , he can always stroll out to the local pub for a drink , where he can remain in complete control of the amount of conversation he wants , or can endure , and can head for home again just when he feels like it .
10 As soon as he learnt about it Ted Bolton , the headmaster of the nearby secondary school , persuaded the farmer to allow his school children to clear the pavement .
11 As soon as he knows about it he goes into automatic " crisis mode " , remaining cool and placing top priority on obtaining the key facts and assessing the options to minimize damage to the company and its people while resolving the problem .
12 In the culture in which he specializes the anthropologist is admirably sociological ; but as soon as he steps outside it to engage in comparative studies and generalization he becomes paradoxically culture-bound , unwittingly taking unique cultural forms as universal facts .
13 right and he said in it oh Roy , er Roy , strap him in Roy , cos he 's got this like thing and face mask to stop him talking , we saw Roy Hattersley right behind us , it was most embarrassing moment
14 He breathed deeply as he thought about it , passing postal workers from the Mount Pleasant sorting office standing talking just outside a small cafe .
15 He could see it quite clearly when he thought about it .
16 The fact that the title of Khan was a military as well as a civil appointment had not occurred to him until now , but now that he thought about it , the suggestion seemed ridiculous .
17 Terry did n't appear to have thought about this before and he puzzled over it , staring into his bitter and a bag of smoky bacon crisps .
18 He has read it before but he dips into it from time to time as a priest might consult the Bible in preparation for a sermon , or a poisoner Feltman 's Toxicology in preparation for a murder .
19 Ludovico cried theatrically as he gestured towards it .
20 Whitlock used his personal ID card to activate the lift and tapped his foot apprehensively as he waited for it to arrive .
21 Oh I du n no , he comes back when he feels like it .
22 Even if he comes by it innocently , nevertheless once he gets to know that it was originally given in confidence , he can be restrained from breaking that confidence .
23 He 's far from the best rider around but he sticks to it , or to the horse which is more important I suppose !
24 One that had gone even as he groped for it .
25 She was watching him so intently as he bit into it that he began to wonder if Smallfry was right to fear she would poison him at the slightest opportunity .
26 And wo n't he hit his head hard if he gets into it .
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