Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] you [modal v] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 It is essential that you go slowly until you are sure that the card is transporting properly or you will tear the end of the sleeve .
2 ‘ Keep your voice down or you 'll have the screws in here , ’ whispered Pete .
3 Areas can be painted in or you can edit the Attribute screen on a pixel by pixel basis — in magnified mode if you really want to be accurate .
4 Because if you want to do shopping or just window shopping , you should park outside of the town or on the outskirts of the town and you can walk in or you can get the the bus service
5 He sa he 's just discovered everybody 's gon na be colouring in so you could see the deterioration in the wi
6 If you are not familiar with any of these , I have summarised them below so you can learn the fingering shapes and go on to practise them in all keys .
7 When planning screens make sure that all areas will still be readily accessible , not only so you can enjoy the whole garden but also to make planting and maintenance easier .
8 It ca n't be stressed enough that you should know the entire play from which you select your audition piece ; not only that , but have thought carefully about the characters and their inter-relationship .
9 I can not emphasise enough that you should let the patient tell you , through his symptoms , what needs to be done .
10 Every Saturday , from 4 July until 29 August inclusive , the Park is open until 9.30pm so you can enjoy the rides , attractions and live entertainment for longer .
11 Perhaps you would like to come along so you can see the plant in operation ? ’
12 You must therefore insist on clear and full answers so that you may understand the way in which the student 's mind is working .
13 ‘ To this he called you through our gospel , so that you may obtain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ ’ ( 2 Thess. 2 : 1 4 ) .
14 The lower levels are initial introductions to the skills required , each cleverly put together so that you must learn the relevant block-shifting and matching techniques .
15 Alternatively , you could make the screens or shutters easily detachable and have one surface painted or covered in fabric so that you could ring the changes when you felt like it or have different ones for summer and winter .
16 I felt I should include them in the list if only so that you could see the limited choice at present available .
17 Typing in date and time formats is tedious so the next logical steps for any reader whose spreadsheet requires this primitive method of date entry ( i.e 1-2-3 Release 2. x , AsEasyAs , SuperCalc 5 and so on ) would be to write a couple of simple keystrokes macros so that you could reduce the typing required to the minimum .
18 So that you could get the slow and of course coating the granules before compression .
19 Using a light box enables you to superimpose electronic component arrangements onto copper track layout artwork so that you can design the p.c.b .
20 The accessories come in three distinct qualities — Standard , Superior , and High Tech — so that you can choose the quality of the accessory needed for the job in hand , and the quality of finish required .
21 For doors with both full nylon and full mesh panels , make sure the mesh is on the outside so that you can open the weatherproof door without letting any of the baddies in .
22 Always keep a dishwasher in the kitchen rather than the utility room , so that you can make the best use of it .
23 For example , if some of the roses will be perfumed , then ideally they should be placed near the path , so that you can smell the scent as you walk past and , if you wish to bury your nose in the flower , you wo n't have to trample halfway over the flower bed to reach the appropriate bloom .
24 Try to plot the result on approximately the same scale as figure 9.10 so that you can compare the result with the economy in general .
25 Before you try it on your garment , knit a test piece of band so that you can perfect the technique .
26 Look for all these types of web and try to catch the spiders that build them so that you can watch the stages of web-building .
27 As you do each of the exercises , place a hand on the part of the body that is being stretched or toned so that you can feel the benefit as you go along .
28 Put the heater/stat , filter , and any other equipment in position first , so that you can arrange the rocks and bogwood to conceal it as much as possible .
29 Make sure you know the care instructions so that you can tell the customer how the item should be washed or stored .
30 3 It should preferably have clear glass or plastic on all sides so that you can view the web clearly .
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