Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] we [verb] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They have taken to all the noise and building work around them better than we hoped and we are looking forward to the arrival of six cow elephants and one bull in six weeks time . ’
2 Erm and so the , the project we 've put forward is that we will trial some of these indicators , to see whether they work , to see what they tell us , erm and therefore we would hopefully be able to improve these indicators , so that we think that they 're , they 're much better in order to er sort of shape the , the performance for the , the future services .
3 But Walcott does n't give his characters enough to do , or make us warm to Sonny so that we care whether he stays a tourist toy .
4 And th and we 've sustained that now for several months erm much more so than we did when we did the thing at the end of ninety one .
5 He was a very good teacher of theology , but it was not long before we discovered that he had a dreadful fear that the depression that was sweeping Europe , as well as this country , was becoming the cause of another even worse war .
6 So before we issue before we hand over the B one what do we do ?
7 Almost all animals are either in danger of being eaten by other animals or in danger of failing to eat other animals , and an enormous number of detailed facts about animals makes sense only when we remember that they are the end-products of long and bitter arms races .
8 We would n't see it coming , we could n't shoot it down when we did and we could n't even chase the fucking thing home after it had hit us .
9 We wish she 'd broken her neck especially when we learn that she 'd planned all along to rip off poor Tess 's best idea .
10 After all , how do we know that our own picture of Jesus is necessarily right , especially when we realize that we too bring assumptions to faith ?
11 We shall be delighted to seek out his advice just before we go if he is still a Member of the House at the time .
12 He folded the paper away as we approached but he did n't stand up .
13 We can not do just as we like because we are limited , or constrained , by ( i ) the amount of money , or capital , we have ; ( ii ) the inventions , or technology , available ; ( iii ) the space , or land , available ; ( iv ) the resources , such as fuel or timber , or existing roads and buildings ; ( v ) the desires of other human beings which may conflict with ours .
14 Those problems have not been solved — just as we said that they would not be — because the Government did not take the issue seriously enough and did not press as they should have pressed for the substantial reforms that were needed .
15 It 's it 's not about being able to get rid of them totally and we agree that we need some sort of level of arousal it 's being able to perform despite them to use that arousal to put into an effective presentation , and that 's what this two days is about is getting those butterflies for you to fly in formation .
16 So it 's jargon , it 's assuming people will pick things up as quickly as we have and it 's not recognising that people have different interpretations .
17 These figures were confirmed even more when we saw when we saw that we spent twenty five pound more a head of population on our schools than the average Metropolitan District .
18 I have the feeling , too , that the great object of the recording engineers here has been to present the full sound-range from the faintest pianissimo to the most thunderous triple- forte , and to ensure also that we hear as it were the furthest tip of the singers ' sibilants and the deepest reverberation of the bass drum .
19 They had a lot of capital payments also and we have as it were the erm , the P & O element er , with B Sky B which is the erm , the items I 've gone through .
20 Like him , we are disappointed that Germany has not yet signed up and we hope that it finally will .
21 He stood up while we watched and I realized he had magnificent horns , far longer than any I had yet seen .
22 Two dollars below the market price … and it turns out that we agreed that we do the whole operation for him in the United States … and he will supply another $10m for this start for bombing and , uh , assassinate in US .
23 ‘ They would sit down and ride the horses out like we do and I seriously doubt if the public would notice much difference . ’
24 Now if we created when we were in control we will win against them … or find an inspired Seaman .
25 While the report argues that it is crucial that social workers identify ‘ high risk ’ , the report comments that ‘ We do not define ‘ high risk ’ , mainly because we think that it is not susceptible of definition' ( London Borough of Brent , 1985 , p.288 ) .
26 Director of education Ian Reid said : ‘ We have amalgamated and closed schools and cut administration back as far as we dare although we need more staff to implement all the changes .
27 But even if we assume that it is sound at an abstract philosophical level , it would be extremely dubious to assert that this theory can justify our present practices of punishment or anything like them .
28 Yet let us always beware of jumping to conclusions , of assuming too readily that those experienced parliamentary draftsmen did not know their business and , perhaps above all , of attributing legislative intention too readily simply because we think that we , the judges , had we been the legislators , would have found such an intention sensible or morally or politically desirable .
29 With the growth in pre-marital sexual experience which has taken place , it might be supposed that selection of a long-term partner on these lines would be easier ; but human beings still have a tendency to believe that everything will be all right in the end and a surprising number have said to me , " things did n't go too well before we married but I thought they 'd work out . "
30 Well when we come when we co put on the boat they stop and drop me off up Malta .
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