Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] she [vb -s] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There are small twigs digging into her back , she is angry , pushes against him , but he pays no attention , carries on , his hands exploring , he is smiling down at her and when he lowers his head the water from his hair seeps into her mouth so that she tastes the lake , the fish smell of deep water , sees the sun brilliant through the branches behind his head , blinding her eyes , sun specks floating , she closes them as he moves against her .
2 She may be specially trained in some aspects of stroke care , so that she has the title of stroke care nurse .
3 The more determinedly she hunts for confirmatory details the more the sources and scale of her information multiply , so that she reaches a stage of nervous exhaustion from sheer overload .
4 You must not worry too much if she seems a bit depressed during the first few months , instead of being a ‘ sweet and grateful granny ’ .
5 It wo n't be long before she catches a chill , and then I 'll really have my hands full .
6 But she said she does n't need them for Monday because it 's only when she takes the tests she gets in a panic not when she 's she said she can do it in the practice classes .
7 I am now expected to lift her , helpless as a fool that she is , out of that great bed , daily , across the room , into a chair , and back again , and to run up and down when she catches a chill , when her back aches from being pressed against the chair .
8 So when she sees a driver acting suspiciously , she calls the police .
9 In a bare tank ( minimum size 10″ x 6″ x 6″ ) , suspend two spawning mops on pieces of cork or polystyrene and place a clump of Java Moss on the tank base for the female to hide in when she requires a respite from spawning .
10 Soon , soon if she has the courage , it will not matter , mt will be too late for anyone to protest , to come to her with sensible and sound advice .
11 Just because she owns the house I 'm living in , she thinks she can patronize me .
12 From this perspective , political power in Britain is in the hands of the Prime Minister not just because she controls the agenda but also because we would never question her right to do so .
13 Monica will be alright she know 's what she 's doing , it 's just whether she has the time to do it , she would liked it if we had done this before Christmas , so that while you were away John
14 It is not as she thinks a desire to ‘ make the most of it ’ , to somehow claim importance , but rather a recognition that in this oppressive society women need the care and emotional support of other women .
15 Look at the start of the play — Catherine is devoted to Eddie and Eddie is kind and even jokes about her independence — this is seen on page 21 , when Eddie says that Catherine will move away when she gets a job ( but this is said without resentment ) and Catherine denies it .
16 Julia admits that she resents linguistic laws just as she resents the canon law of the Church : ‘ I 'm interested in language as a process , not a thing or an essence .
17 One day soon when she has a garden again , she will plant taters of her own , whole rows of them .
18 ‘ Does she ask who it is first or does she just use it as soon as she hears a man 's voice ? ’
19 Meanwhile , she can help herself to control her panic attacks by slowing down her breathing as soon as she feels an attack coming on .
20 But I guess as soon as she gets a job , she 'll be leaving to be married . "
21 And she says , soon as she gets the money she 's gon na give it to me to give to yous .
22 Er she 's always and jigging about you know but when she plays very still and she hits the ball stands up quick , watches where it goes , she 'll go like this , this up jump
23 In fact , she takes a wicked delight in setting me up as she explains the album title .
24 I can see now that she has the right to live her own life .
25 ‘ Perhaps she 's been thinking things out and she feels a bit sorry for you . ’
26 If things keep as they 're going now and she gets the services she 's getting I 've no grumbles , she 'll stop for a long while .
27 And so this woman , she did n't preach a sermon , but she does give her a testament , she goes back and she gets the folk in the village , and she says , come see someone , meet someone , let me introduce you to someone who has told me everything that I have ever done !
28 Miss Dalzell was out but she says the bedsit was not properly equipped .
29 Now when she needs a hand , Caroline turns to life chance .
30 Well if she has a hip replacement operation she 'll be all right .
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