Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] they [vb base] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Inevitably this affects their attitude to these people so that they tend to assume that all their visits are time-wasting .
2 Authority figures who abuse their power are , of course , doing so because they have received that sort of abuse themselves ( and in receiving have also learned how to give abuse ) and perhaps because they perceive others as a threat : ‘ I will dominate you before you have any chance of dominating me . ’
3 Native speakers of English typically use " have " in the present tense ( as in these two examples ) only when they want to imply that the event described is still happening or is still the case .
4 But those who find these positions unattractive will have to look further if they want to say that there are such things as knowledge or justified belief .
5 And what you might need to start thinking about as well is how could you illustrate some of these , already around you in the room , going up , work from year nine where they have started writing that as a complaint to god , moaning about Hurricane Andrew , about earthquakes and floods and so on and they 've decided that they 're going to illustrate the work they 're doing with these paper cuttings of disasters and problems in the world , there 's one up here about a gorilla that 's been taken from the wild and is in captivity in London Zoo and they said that they think it 's wrong .
6 But men have had such experiences and done nothing further about them , either because they have decided that there was less to the experience than they at first supposed , or because they could not endure the ethical and spiritual demands which were implied in the unspoken , ineffable moment of divine knowledge .
7 And the other reason they do n't want to turn up is primarily because they do know that we have compulsory purchase powers and the planning — the paper put forward by the Chief Planning Officer today was a vindication of wage for a good many years , a good many months rather , that we do have compulsory purchase powers and we are able to use them and it was specifically asked at the Panel today , by both Monty Finnist and Sir Monty Finnist and Tony Christopher , why does n't the City Council market this site and use its compulsory purchase powers and that 's one question to address tomorrow as a politician who could make that decision .
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