Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] have [adv] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This ritual was practised until the last decade or so but has apparently now ceased , which is perhaps in the best interests of the dolphins .
2 That Fran had no intention of doing just that had only just struck him , and he did n't like it one little bit !
3 She just fires off and has n't really grown up .
4 well I mean the , the agent has n't or has n't yet sued , but I was n't really putting it like that , I was asking you whether it is your case as in presently stand looking at the defence you 've raised to whether or not you have failed to perform your legal obligations under clause nine .
5 But how I am to get conveyed with my luggage to Maitland neither Stephen or I can devise , three teams of bullocks having left Warra on their way from the plains to this place eight days ago and have not yet arrived .
6 Her widowhood had thankfully not reduced her circumstances too drastically and had certainly not altered her sense of style .
7 Antony has turned the tables completely and has now completely destroyed all hopes of the conspirators ever establishing themselves in Rome .
8 In April 1861 even the head of the Third Department thought that the regime would be forced to grant a constitution , but he added that " not only would the emperor not make up his mind to assent to the gradual introduction of constitutional forms , but he had even spoken out firmly against it very recently and had evidently not changed his mind on the question " .
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