Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] the [noun prp] [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Occasionally , breaks in the foliage permit glimpses of the estuary and its islands , now a wide expanse with Loch Kishorn joining in and the Applecross hills forming a distant background : all exquisitely lovely .
2 Long after the Oklo reactors cooled , their products were disturbed by geological events .
3 Akashi said that so long as the Khmers Rouges refused to disarm , a freeze was necessary to maintain the balance of power in the country .
4 The Welsh camp realises their tour finale is likely to prove their toughest game yet , especially as the South Africans have assembled a powerful team .
5 So when the Wigan colliers threatened in 1792 to throw down the engines , they were seeking both to pressure the mine owner and to prevent him from reworking the pit with " blackleg " labour , also the likely object of Cornish miners who pulled up the ladders in a dispute of 1795 .
6 He went on that the Middlesbrough magistrates had indicated that they would be prepared to allow the mother similar access to the child if the ban imposed by the London magistrate was lifted .
7 He had already agreed that the ‘ two-plus-four ’ talks between the Germanies and the victorious powers of 1945 — the United States , the Soviet Union , Britain and France — should start just before the East Germans voted : thereby underlining that foreigners have as much interest as Germans in the issue of unification .
8 He carries the burden of having been sworn in just before the US operations began , and he remains in hiding under the protection of the United States .
9 Mrs Brown last cleaned the house at the end of July and was away when the IRA suspects used it .
10 Just as the Barnes disputes seem closer to resolution , another Pennsylvania museum is seeking to challenge accepted practices and deaccession an important work of art .
11 Boatswain ’ , no doubt knew how to entertain an audience , just as the Shatford Players had done : ‘ … after it was entangled in the net , it received seventeen musket balls from the Greyhound Cutter ’ ( Gosh ! ) ; ‘ … it was dragged to the shore by seven horses … ’
12 What if the Soviet negotiators are baiting a bear trap for Japan 's amateur statesmen — just as the North Koreans did last autumn ?
13 Although destroyed in 1789 , the French crosses bore figures of kings , just as the Eleanor crosses contained a figure of the queen , and the Montjoies of St Louis must have been a formative influence on Edward 's decision to act as he did .
14 Just as the Hollywood moguls built an , albeit mythic , vision of the American dream , so Balcon , from a Jewish immigrant family , felt that films should ‘ express England ’ .
15 She had scanners all over her , more than the Bergen yards supplied as standard .
16 All three have international sponsors , and Kapuscinski is to find out that the South Africans have invaded in the south of the country , having fallen in love with Savimbi .
17 Will the Minister cast his mind back to the letter that he wrote to me last October — a soothing reply to the representations that I had made to him — pointing out that the Salford careers service , which covers my constituency , had forecast a shortfall of between 400 and 450 YTS places ?
18 Arguing that Glasgow wages were already higher than those in Edinburgh , and pointing out that the Glasgow printers had successfully blacked firms trying to employ women , he went on ( in rather clotted prose ) : I am satisfied that the employment of female compositors in Glasgow , while it would increase the total volume of work done there and admit of the natural development of the Glasgow book trade , would not injure the position of the Glasgow men printers , while it would enable the Glasgow printing trade , employed as well as employers , to obtain and retain work which at present ought to come to Glasgow , or at least might come to Glasgow but now goes to Edinburgh .
19 Now that The Boomtown Rats have disclaimed the tiny nation and been disclaimed , Bono 's group U2 are indisputable Ireland 's finest ; recent winners of a host of Hot Press awards ; recent chart-toppers with ‘ Out Of Control ’ .
20 RUC were taking some time to settle down but once Davy Barbour had landed his first penalty from about 50 metres the lights went out and the Holywood stars faded .
21 Mr Jackson is tantalisingly vague , though , about the question that worries most TEC directors : how will they be able to fulfil their contractual obligations to the unemployed , if the number of jobless people continues to rise sharply while the TEC budgets continue to shrink ?
22 As far as the Lockerbie allegations go , Libya has plainly discharged its obligations under Article 5 by instituting criminal proceedings against its two accused nationals .
23 It was here that the Caroline reformers achieved nothing because the crown could not recapture the powers it had made over to local municipal oligarchs .
24 That is both a misreading of what European Union implies , even if the Maastricht treaties go forward ; and , because Maastricht is unravelling , it is a misreading of what will now happen .
25 But no one in Class 1 had seemed unduly disturbed by his account of them , even if the Husayn twins had said that pigs were ‘ boring ’ and had asked if they could bring in the novelization of Terminator Two .
26 After delivery , the concentrations of a new mother 's sex hormones fall dramatically and the Oxford workers have shown that there is a corresponding fall in the number of a 2 -adrenergic receptors .
27 You often had to wait here while the Edinburgh trains came and went , but the delay did n't usually last this long .
28 As well as the UK operations profiled here , the company also covers Continental Europe through H&S Transport and Flix Troll — and provides a bridge between the Uk and the Continent through P & O Tankmasters , who are specialists in demountable tanks .
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