Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] do [pron] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Or you could do what my elderly neighbour does : every time she feels like decorating she pays a neighbour 's student son to come in and do it for her .
2 I get a maid to come in and do it for me .
3 That 's the idea cos when it 's the exam I ca n't come in and do it for you or show you how to do it .
4 You 'd be employing , you 'd be employing builders to come in and do it for you .
5 ‘ We just went in and did everything for everybody .
6 erm fucking indoor murder ball , the seat , cushion and stuff like that , its fucking well out of order piss up games oh that 's right I think we played in , I think we played , you know that British bull dog thing ? , we managed to clear all the fucking the nappy chair this and the chairs out the way , we were playing this British bull dog sort of thing and the only thing , the only , the only difference was when you got caught , got , everybody was fucking giving you a few thumps in the arm , for good measure like , and we played about four of this and every time this cocky little son of a bitch did n't get caught , he was always the last person , so we fucking said , we said , me and this other guy 's that are in our troop and that er , we said right we 'll get him , so when , when everybody sort of go for it right just after the one person in the middle , said fucking just get this guy and fucking pin him down and do something to him right , we did n't , I think we said we 'd just get him , yeah that 's a good idea , so he 's gone right go and his mate he 's fucking took off two steps and there 's eight of us fucking dived on top of him , what the fucking , he 's struggling , get off you cunt so we pinned him down and at first we was just going to de-bag him in front of the women , we 've taken his boots off and his trousers and that and shave his bollocks , yeah the whole fucking yeah , it was like an audience , all that they sort of gathered up the chairs and the tables fuck have his bollocks shaved .
7 Do n't wait for Personnel to come along and do it for you .
8 Even now Maggie remembered the making of it as a time of rare delight : when all the people of her life came together and did something for her .
9 So how do you just I mean rather than do it in your head , especially in an exam , just what you 're going to do , put the Add X to both sides say .
10 Rather than do anything about it , the Council pay the farmers a subsidy to filter the water .
11 The aim will be fulfilled if the teacher 's aid encourages self-help skills and good personal organisation by the pupil rather than doing everything for him in the way of fetching and returning materials .
12 The singular virtue of action-research is that things could not be left at that — it was necessary to go on and do something about it all .
13 We know , even those of us who are still smoking know what the , what the problems are , let's get on and do something about it !
14 My view is and it 's a widely held view within the association and , and the informed clubs is that if we let that situation go on and do nothing about it we will have a decreasing er number of people going and number of people going sailing .
15 Knock on her door at 3 a.m. for a leg massage and I swear she would get up and do it for you , though she might swear a little under her breath !
16 But er I wish some of the other tenants in this block would back me up and do something about it , but nobody will !
17 It would take too long to get the computer up and do it for you , but erm you can take that away with you if , if you like , that just makes the same points I 've been making now , but using a computer simulator .
18 Erm , if there 's something needs doing extra you just ask the person who 's best for the job to sort it out and to do it for you .
19 There were anonymous letters to my parents , postmarked Chippenham , Corsham , Bath and London , telling them to watch out and do something about their son or there would be trouble for them .
20 it 's bad enough in your house , they have to physically go out and do it for somebody else .
21 ‘ But I ca n't see Philip sitting back and doing nothing about it .
22 So what I 'm saying is erm I happen to think that the A L O stuff is some of the most valuable stuff that we do , it 's really one of the main ways forward and if we just sit back and do nothing about it it 's gon na just be wiped out at a a swipe .
23 The faint aroma of stale mackerel still hung around and did nothing for our personal charisma either .
24 But at the end of the day , I mean , he 's sure gon na turn round and do it to us .
25 No you do n't buy the , they come round and do it for you do n't they ?
26 The first time , he asked the man to make love to him right there in the car , not to take him home yet but to do it to him there in the car .
27 The fact that there are several persons in addition to the group leader who can reflect and provide feedback about such negative attitudes and behaviours makes it more likely that the individual member will take such information seriously and do something about it .
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