Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] you [adv] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 So if you just use it like that then at least it shows you 've got a card .
2 But they light the lanterns henhouse might be about four or five o'clock and you maybe leave it in the henhouse maybe till nine or ten at night .
3 The closest analogy I can think of is that it is very much like fishing , you never know what you are going to catch , you have to pull in the small ones when you are hoping for the big one , but occasionally a big one comes along when you least expect it .
4 And they always let you down when you least expected it .
5 Erm and again I put erm things about putting details in the post although you , although you did try and overcome that one erm but you , you just could n't , you could n't get Steven to realize the benefit of you actually going round with the illustrations rather than you just sending it and you needed to get , to get the appointment out of him rather than because if he got the illustrations in the post he may never read them .
6 What 's the point of loading the reel with an unbranded twist that ‘ looked right ’ , when you can be sure that at some time or other the varying tensions on this material are going to produce lively snarls and inevitably weaken it , so that a line break happens just when you least want it .
7 And an accident can happen anywhere , at any time just when you least expect it .
8 Just when you least expect it , she thought , poetic justice is waiting right around the corner .
9 For example , there 's a piece of cake in front of us and , and you know you just want it so badly and you just eat it , or even having sex , anything , I mean any desire that you have that you just follow .
10 It is very unlikely that a solar panel would chop your hand off if you accidentally put it in the wrong place , but the 36 in ( 91cm ) span of the larger wind generators can be deadly .
11 Some unexpected expense always seems to crop up when you least want it to and throws your careful calculations out of the window .
12 There 's your calcium chloride what have we get left over we 've got this we 've got hydrogen carbonate and that was really should have been your answer but then you know carbon dioxide came out so you just took it out and you got water left over .
13 Oh really and you still wear it daily ?
14 The awesomely powerful heating and ventilation system makes another jet-like roar , but it works so well that you only need it on for short bursts .
15 A good little program , even if you only want it for its entertainment value .
16 They can kill , and injecting drugs with a shared needle or syringe can be the fastest way to get HIV — even if you only do it once .
17 draw round it , dot dot dot , draw even if you then sketch it without using a straight line , if you just join up the dots freehand ,
18 Then , if you like , you can do a little pantomime routine where you look behind you for the ghost but it follows you around until you finally find it , and then you can do a brief activity with the ghost , like walk around the room in ‘ follow my leader ’ style or sing a song such as ‘ My kneebone 's connected to my thigh bone ’ .
19 Well after you just put it
20 Everything brought or sent in has first to go through ‘ property ’ and spend a few days ( which usually become weeks ) there before you eventually get it .
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