Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] i [vb past] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The child glared at me so fiercely that I tried to ingratiate myself by asking who was her favourite composer .
2 ‘ But before I could say anything I discovered suddenly that I 'd meant nothing to you but an unimportant little romantic adventure , ’ he added bitterly .
3 It looked a scrappy goal , but slightly better once I had seen what really happened on the telly .
4 He had n't slept in a bed like that before , yet there were all those advertisements for them on television , and they were on display in shop windows and in almost all the big stores in London so that I 'd imagined them in all the houses I could see from the bus .
5 Though the voice was larded with the tones owed to ‘ land in the family ’ , the man himself was decent , polite , unpretentious , and unpatronising throughout the half hour or so that I spent photographing him .
6 So that I wanted to defend him from the beginning .
7 Perhaps if I 'd entered him for the Champion Hurdle , he might have sold .
8 Perhaps if I had allowed myself to be doubtful , I might have understood Mick 's concern about the rules , and his inability to express it without aggressive confrontation .
9 I had butterflies in my stomach enough and I had to do something , so I grabbed the nearest paw , which belonged to Merlyn Rees .
10 ‘ Nor have you wanted them from me , You 'd never have stayed around so long if I 'd pushed you about . ’
11 Right , a few problems yesterday , a forklift and trailer keys not being signed in and I had taking them home .
12 but I , I 'd never get them done , and I mean I 'd fed Matthew and I shouted down and I said look you 'll have to come and get him dressed cos I 've got dinners to put up yet
13 The tandem was forever breaking down and I wanted to fix it — so I took a course in cycle mechanics .
14 you know the , the things alone and I said get your hands off those doors I do n't like polishing , so he 's come for a cloth and the polish
15 So if I said show me something that 's arm 's length from your right shoulder north , or up , or west or some way , okay , or on a bearing of thirty seven degrees
16 So if I went to see her … ? ’ he probed .
17 I would save some money and then I would find a man to marry me , especially if I promised to bring him to London .
18 And anyway I carried him half way along and I had to put him down
19 I thought it would 've been a bit better but I did enjoy it , I did enjoy it .
20 ‘ I only popped in because I 'd heard you were in town . ’
21 I did n't put an evaluation in because I wanted to discuss it orally with my adviser .
22 ‘ I was actually satisfied with that , if only because I 'd resigned myself to the fact that I 'd never be thin , ’ she admits .
23 I never said much because I wanted to keep my options open .
24 A fortnight or so after I had dictated it in October 1971 , I had a telephone call from Harold Wilson to know whether I had read Wigg 's memoirs , and was I aware of the very personal attacks on him and Marcia Williams ?
25 It was not very long before I came to see it as simply one fad among others .
26 It was n't long before I started finding them both repetitive and bland .
27 Maureen said : ‘ I did n't think about them again until that psychic woman asked for them , but it was only after I had given them to her I realized they were n't his at all .
28 The lessons took place during the evening and then only after I had finished my regular school work for the day .
29 I thought then that , much as I longed to see him , it might be as well to start hoping he would n't come back until I could truthfully tell him there would be no baby .
30 ’ She told it to them much as I 'd told her myself .
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