Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] i [adv] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I must admit I , I really do n't agree with that , I mean I find that many women who have had erm children actually their figure has improved after the children , they look a great deal better and I certainly do n't think that many women in Scotland looked vast after they 've had children , I totally disagree with that .
2 ‘ But not for long and I never came over to the Yamacraw .
3 I got to the printers with my Boy George piece and it was finally time to say , ‘ Look , this is only a thousand words long and I still have n't got to the interview .
4 Perhaps because I always went there in the heat of the afternoon , I rarely saw anyone in the gardens .
5 for It was no good my making a list before I came down because I just had n't seen anything like this in the Marks in Norwich .
6 I do n't mind , I do n't mind so long as I just get out a bit on , into town and
7 I felt myself to be a source of pollution , and grew to dread my period , especially as I never knew exactly when it was going to come .
8 She looks real comfy there and I think about sitting down for a bit and watching telly , but I ai n't got nothing to sit on so I just carry on standing up .
9 Not that I mean it to be a breathless race , but rather that I somehow do n't see life in an ordinary manner , not even this sere and monotonous existence in Africa ; granted , it browns me off sometimes , but I do pretty well on the whole ; and if I can still enjoy this incredibly austere and disciplined life , how much more shall we not enjoy life together ?
10 There are tall black iron gates but they 're hooked open so I just drive through and up a drive of pink bricks to the door .
11 Besides I 've got ta see what happens on a Sunday morning anyway cos I often miss out on a Sunday morning .
12 At this rate , she thought desperately , the lunch hour will be over before I even get there .
13 are going on and I just did n't feel that we could erm support one .
14 I wondered what the hell was going on and I suddenly felt absolutely terrified .
15 Nothing went right and I nearly gave up .
16 I 'd been paying tax and national insurance for 12 years before I found myself having to make a claim and if I 'd been putting the money in a building society I 'd have had a lot more than I eventually got out of them . ’
17 I want you to know and I think that you do — that I love you more than I ever did before , but in a slightly different way .
18 I must make it clear at once that I personally do not regard these particular decisions as a constitutional question such as most certainly was the appointment of the chairman .
19 The light was changing very rapidly and I simply ran out of time .
20 I have n't really had a vacation , this is the first time I 've taken some time off and I barely got here ; just because of the pace of the world , especially last year .
21 Although I sailed through O-Level I never took maths any further and I never engaged creatively in the process of doing mathematics .
22 Thankfully , I decided to go home before I really cracked up .
23 Now if he happens to knock it or he , he lights it up or I always wake up .
24 This took the form of teasing , mostly , and one day I was so fed up that I just walked out of school .
25 ‘ The reading of it has been a good preparation for Lent as far as I am concerned : for it shows me ( through the heroine ) the special sin of abuse of intellect to which all my profession are liable , more clearly than I ever saw before .
26 It was Susy who took up most of the lunchtime conversation , partly because I probably did n't know enough about the sport to talk about it sensibly to James .
27 Like I say , she 's sleeping well now , and she 's often up before I even wake up .
28 And er I was n't eating right because I just did n't feel hungry I did n't bother about food I just seemed to keep going and keep going .
29 But I 'm 20 now and I still have n't grasped it yet . ’
30 And she said it again and I thought well i it did n't sound like eleven eleven I do n't know what it sounded like really and I just went so that 'll be Wednesday the eleventh ?
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