Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pos pn] [noun] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Then Doushan was so cast down that his moustaches drooped to his shoulders .
2 He reversed the truck so that its winch poked over the edge of the drop .
3 If the sun is shining the focal length can be measured just as easily as for a converging lens : the lens is held so that its shadow falls on a sheet of paper .
4 She saw how the dark room had filled with transparent figures who marched along the walls singing and mocking , who wrapped themselves around her so that she was suffocated in their embrace , then turned to broken bricks and choking mortar dust which cascaded in torrents on to her , flattening her to the bed so that her limbs ached with pain and she could n't move .
5 Primaflora rose and bestowed herself naturally , so that her skirts fell with grace .
6 Outside the doorway , she paused , took a deep breath , and made the sort of entrance she 'd sworn she 'd never make again , her stride long and sensual , her head back so that her hair moved against her bare shoulders , her mouth curved into a soft , sexy smile .
7 Felicity flung herself down on the sacrificial stone , opening wide her legs , arching her back , so that her pudendum rose in the air like some nocturnal flower .
8 He turned over on his back and drew her up so that her head lay on his shoulder .
9 Delight , like some hidden spring deep inside , came bubbling and leaping , so that her blood danced with it , and her mind became intoxicated .
10 The terror bound her chest so that her breath came in the short , dry , painful gasps of a dying asthmatic .
11 She was swung round forcefully , so that her breath gasped from her body , then with equal force she was flung against the door .
12 She bit her bottom lip , brought her arms together at her chest so that her hands met at her mouth .
13 They came to her one by one : Brendan , Shane , Rhett , Niall and Roger , and she was hugged and kissed by each in turn , so that her cheeks burned from the scrubbing of their coarse beards .
14 An important first step was to include these hospitals in the budgets of the regional health authorities , so that their claims had to be considered alongside everyone else 's .
15 Both were essayists rather than scholars , belonging to an age before English studies had accumulated its own technical machinery ; so that their freedom to polemicise about past centuries now looks , in retrospect , like a liberty lost .
16 Sometimes as they fly , they tilt their bodies so that their tails dip into the water , and beat a further few strokes , renewing their impetus and extending their flight .
17 Then the sun put forth all his power ; he blazed and scorched , he struck down upon the princess 's soldiers so that their helmets turned to molten brass on their heads , and their swords melted like candles in their hands .
18 ‘ Oh , but I 'm not ! ’ began Meredith and Markby at the same time exclaimed , ‘ She is n't ! ’ so that their denials chimed in unison .
19 Then when you swing hard at his foot , he lifts it so that your sweep passes underneath it .
20 Believe me , when you are hungry , really hungry , so that your stomach clings to your backbone , nothing is more tasty than a succulent rat or a well-roasted leg of cat ! ]
21 For instance , Susan Trangmar 's slide installation can not be fully seen from the margins , but the act of walking to the centre of the four projector installation involves passing one of the projectors so that your shadow passes across the image .
22 Remove any dust and grime so that your plants benefit from all the available light .
23 He told His disciples that He was the vine and they were the branches , so that His life flowed in their lives , His life flows in our lives .
24 bangs him upstairs so that his boots bang against the stairs at every step , he has n't time to put his feet down !
25 My attention had been so far away and the dog had timed his jump to a split second so that his bark came at the highest point , his teeth only inches from my face .
26 Ken smiled at Molly , retracting his top lip so that his teeth seemed to be aimed directly at her .
27 Squeezing away so that his biceps shifted in his sleeve , he asked ‘ so , Rog , what 's going down the chute ? ’
28 They went for him then , Alexander and Donald McLaggan , the Duke 's two sons , dragged him from his father 's side so that his head bounced on the steps , lifted him bleeding , like foresters keeping a dying deer clear of the hounds , and started to carry him down to the river ‘ just to cool him off ’ but Cameron ran and gripped Donald 's shoulder and shouted , ‘ If you injure an officer it is treason on top of sedition , ’ so they carried him back and laid him carefully at his father 's feet .
29 The Feldwebel bounced up and down with laughter so that his hat fell off the back of his head and even the officer allowed himself a smile .
30 Luke smiled calmly back at her , crossing his long legs under the table so that his knee brushed against hers .
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