Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [v-ing] [pron] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 I remember a horrifying dream I had during one Wimbledon wherein I was sitting on top of a tall step-ladder half-way down the garden in the umpire 's position — not awarding points to the thrusting vegetation below but conducting them with a baton .
2 Rather than contenting himself with a specific and clearly defined puzzle , Poulantzas aims to give a broad account of the capitalist state , which will show what it is and what it does by revealing its connections with the various instances of the social whole .
3 Like his men , he has made a blanket-roll to carry immediate necessities rather than burdening himself with a blanket bag or other form of knapsack .
4 But there will be cost involved , I think about eighteen thousand , over the course of that year , in sustaining that contract rather than replacing it with a new tender .
5 Rather than concerning itself with the way in which the properties of this structure emerge from its components , it takes the structure as given and asks how it reproduces itself and changes .
6 Even though open systems may be able to meet requirements at a lower cost than perhaps the traditional proprietary systems , if you 've already paid for the traditional proprietary system , clearly there is no saving to be made by throwing it away and replacing it with the equivalent functionality on new technology .
7 The gentle , careful , intelligent eyes that gave nothing away while leaving you with the impression that you and what you were saying were the most intelligent things she had ever beheld and heard .
8 I intended the word liberal to mean ‘ free ’ , not as identifying me with the almost defunct Liberal Party of that epoch .
9 To me , sexuality is romance and love and poetry and beauty , not picking somebody up on the street and using each other then telling them to fuck off and burning them with a cigarette .
10 He said the Tories were destroying the national character of the health service and were intent on breaking it up and replacing it with an American-style system that owed more to accountants than doctors .
11 He said the Tories were destroying the national character of the health service and were intent on breaking it up and replacing it with an American-style system that owed more to accountants than doctors .
12 Greg is lying on one of the Palace 's luxuriant couches , gesticulating wildly and fixing me with a stare that is part ultimate artistic earnestness and part repressed pathological violence .
13 A letter from G. Espin to Councillor Fraser re the waste of public money in erecting a new wire fence on the footpath between Baberton Mains Estate and Juniper Green and in a few days ripping it out and replacing it with a chestnut type wooden fence .
14 And , ’ he went on , leaning back and watching her with a hooded gaze , ‘ considering the effort you put into Rob 's party — which , incidentally , was voted a huge success — it was the very least I could do .
15 As well as powdering herself with the same orange and blue skin-whitening powders which her mother and grandmother had used , our bride asked maids and foreign Arab friends to search out modern creams and perfumes to be tried and kept , tried and discarded .
16 It was not enough to excel in the swimming and the running , which he knew he did ; what was going to be the good of getting good scores there and nullifying them with a duff riding round ?
17 FitzAlan took instant revenge by leaning forward and silencing her with a slow , gentle kiss .
18 For this purpose I line the cone first with kitchen foil and then cover the outside with knitting , tying the point very firmly and finishing it with a tassel or small ‘ frill ’ .
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