Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [v-ing] [pron] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Better than finding them in a flap and fearing higher rates , as they were a week ago .
2 Escaping is bad enough but doing it in the middle of the night is inexcusable .
3 If you like hanging out washing rather than drying it in the bowels of an expensive machine , you will need to tuck away a line and make a dry path to get to and from it .
4 I keep everything loose in glass jars ( you can wash and save any that you buy ) , which prolongs their life , rather than leaving them in the packets .
5 This position is not heterodox so far as relinquo ( or , as it is here expressed , dimitto ) is concerned : Section i argued that the problem with it is precisely that it attributes property directly to a beneficiary rather than vesting it in a trustee .
6 Pershing II , which dives steeply onto its target rather than hitting it in a shallow trajectory can carry a special ‘ earth-penetrator ’ warhead that will bore through soil to attack underground bunkers .
7 There was a big surge of local optimism when Martin Crowe won what appeared to be a very important toss — not that winning it in the first Test had done NZ much good .
8 Breeders can increase production by taking an egg away and putting it in an incubator to hatch .
9 It 's a privilege and an honour for me to thank him , on your behalf , for coming here tonight and addressing us in the way he has .
10 Jimmy returned with arms full of torches , switching each on and positioning them in the brackets of the huge copper boilers , or on the floor so that surreal fans of light were cast against the dirty plaster walls .
11 It should be remembered that in this chapter we are dealing only with stress within the word ; this means that we are looking at words as they are said in isolation , which is a rather artificial situation — we do not often say words in isolation , except for a few such as ‘ yes ’ , ‘ no ’ , ‘ possibly ’ , ‘ please ’ and interrogative words such as ‘ what ’ , ‘ who ’ , etc. , but looking at words in isolation does help us to see stress placement and stress levels more clearly than studying them in the context of continuous speech .
12 Although I keep pulling it up and throwing it in the dustbin , it keeps coming back .
13 They kept bloody coming up and hitting you in the face .
14 This can become a real problem unless the situation is handled cautiously , because simply lifting the dog up and placing it in the car will be counter-productive .
15 She loved them , and she loved the work though it left her with little time for going out and enjoying herself in the evenings .
16 As well as having it in the luxury class , I now also include it in the practical , hard-wearing , well worth-the-effort class !
17 It seems that the slimes and waste gravel from the mill were discharged directly into the beck which obligingly carried the man made detritus downstream and depositing them in the less boisterous places causing silting and then , during heavy rain , flooding .
18 The scientific approach to the world of nature developed as a way of looking to see what was actually there and interpreting it in the light of its own evidence instead of simply accepting received , traditional wisdom .
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