Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [v-ing] [pron] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Art helps us to break out of this prison-house by subverting conventional sign-systems and forcing us to focus our attention on signs themselves rather than taking them for granted .
2 ‘ But the thrust of our approach is to start at home , focusing on one thing at a time rather than confusing ourselves by trying to do everything at once — which is a major reason why 85 per cent of organisations trying to do something in this area fail to get it right .
3 Our plans for local government will bring decision-making closer to the people rather than alienating them by imposing an extra layer of bureaucracy on top of local government .
4 The option of settling a dispute rather than resolving it by going to trial can be described as a form of alternative dispute resolution , meaning methods of resolving a variety of disputes in ways alternative to court hearings .
5 The battles of Penselwood and Sherston were apparently inconclusive , although hard-fought in the case of the latter , but Edmund was able to relieve London , driving the enemy away and defeating them after crossing the Thames at Brentford .
6 You can soon go and ask them cos some git 's gon na be coming over and hitting you for taking the
7 The horses were being led and one of the men was limping badly and supporting himself by holding on to a stirrup .
8 ‘ It might take a letter a week to get to Germany , might n't it ? ’ said Mrs Fanshawe , taking her rings off and amusing herself by making them flash in the sunlight right into Nurse Rose 's eyes .
9 Meanwhile , both Franca and Alison had , after initial suspicion , adopted Irina , at least as far as amusing themselves by helping her to spend money on having her hair done and buying clothes .
10 She waited for Jean , his girlfriend , to go to the Ladies , and then pounced , flirting madly and manoeuvring him into bartering with her that he would buy two whole strips if she would have a dance with him .
11 As well as blinding me by stealing the screen , what did they want me to know ? ’
12 As well as saving you from having to break the flow of your typing by tapping ‘ Enter ’ it also leaves the text on the screen in a flexible or ‘ unformatted ’ form .
13 In 1972 , a strike picket held a placard in front of a vehicle on a highway , urging the driver not to work at a site nearby and preventing him from proceeding along the highway .
14 She started to wrestle with the nearside door , but Ward had locked it and in the end she gave up , lying back again and muttering something about remembering now .
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