Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [noun prp] [be] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps because John was fostering each Girl 's personality within their ‘ spots ’ in troupe dances , this period produced the brightest Tiller sparks .
2 Minter , had he but known it , was right as well as wrong : right that Harry was running short of cash , wrong if he believed that currently mattered to him a jot .
3 Suddenly Lomax caught a suggestion of movement on the fire escape platform , directly above where Foster was standing straddle-legged facing the alley wall .
4 It was not that Jarvis was asking much rent , in fact no estate agent would have believed what he was asking , but the whole point of letting bits of the school was to get enough for him to live on , indeed to get to Cairo and ride on the new 42.5 kilometre , 33-station ENR .
5 Just because Carol 's wearing that ring does n't mean I 'm ready to get out my fucking pipe and slippers , either . ’
6 So therefore Mr Deputy Speaker in conclusion , what I 'd say to the minister is , number one do we really need this order at all ? because why should we have extra seats just because Germany are getting more .
7 Just as Germany was experiencing specific sources of job-related stress due to re-unification , so too in the UK where there has been a trend towards mergers and acquisitions between the UK and other European countries as the European Economic Community becomes a greater reality .
8 But the drama did not end there ; just as Harefield were looking comfortable , John Harvey Lynch put the back four under pressure , and Harefield 's erm Gary Downs headed a superb own-goal past his keeper who was off balance , to make it two two in the eighty sixth minute .
9 Just as Frederick was gaining increasing power in Italy , and it seemed that the Holy See would become isolated from general support , Lucius died in November of 1185 and the new Pope Urban III , was one of Barbarossa 's fiercest opponents .
10 Marriage remained very much an institution whereby property was transferred from one family to another — just as Aquitaine was transferred first to the Capetians and then to the Angevins .
11 Gill Cutress and Rolf Stricker have made a career out of factory shops ever since Gill was made redundant there are , after all , probably only limited openings for zoologists specialising in ants and started to compile her own information .
12 Dobson came on because Waddle was tormenting poor Alan Wright on a day that looked to belong to Wednesday when John Harkes let rip .
13 Then I found out that Jim was making all the original pedals as well , so I decided to get rid of all the stuff I 'd been trying to make all these sounds with and just use the original things .
14 He complained publicly , and the word was out that Rourke was turning difficult .
15 ‘ I have done a fair bit of business travelling to meetings in London , ’ said Mr Pilkington , who seizes the opportunity for more practice on train journeys appropriately since BR is sponsoring this year 's Times championship .
16 Also , Mildred realized that even if Ethel was feeling merciful enough to confess , it was quite possible that no one would realize that Mildred was actually the frog in the jar .
17 The same mood continued after Monday night 's 3–0 home defeat at the hands of third-placed Pirelli — meaning that even if Alton were to win all five of the games in hand they have over the Eastleigh side , they would still be three points behind them .
18 Even if Maastricht is ratified intact , the past four months have made it seem backward-looking , or even irrelevant .
19 In England even when Botham was working one of his miracles people at work did not stop ; if they did not have a radio they just rang the Test score , on the works phone of course , a bit more frequently .
20 Banking sources said in June that credit needs were expected to expand dramatically even though Romania was owed some $3,000,000 million from abroad and had hard currency reserves of $900,000,000 million .
21 Even though Rome was giving little in return in terms of moderating its claims to be the only true Christian church , faint liberal breezes had been blowing through the Vatican since the second Vatican Council .
22 The most fundamental reason was evidently that Hitler was proving incapable of bringing about the fervently desired end to the war , either victoriously or even through a creditable compromise peace .
23 We look forward to his arrival in Britannia again and Boudicca is saving some good legs for him , — in fact they belong to a soldier of the IXth Legion who did n't hear her shout ‘ Get outta the way you stupid git ’ when she was trying her chariot out on the new road .
24 She discovered the truth about their petnames a few weeks previously when Camilla was taken ill .
25 Then she started swinging her round and round her head , faster and faster and Amanda was screaming blue murder and the Trunchbull was yelling , ‘ I 'll give you pigtails , you little rat ! ’
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