Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [adv] [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Union 's decisions on defence could " be wholly or partially carried out through the WEU " but this could be reviewed in 1996 in a general revision of the treaty .
2 And all of them were astonished that the most glamorous member of the Royal Family could be so suddenly and publicly brought down to earth .
3 Those who had somehow violated the bond of trust , friendship , loyalty — for reasons they may not always be able to discern — could find themselves suddenly and inexplicably cast out into the cold .
4 so he took some bread down and then popped up to the gate where they these were sort of quite a way a way , and Gemma said you wait there with Jane and I 'll invite those people to come up , you see and erm , I 've got ta be a bit cool , went to the table to put some bread there course it an awful and she
5 At times Great Chaos beasts find a way down to Avelorn from the Annulii and ravage the land , but they are swiftly and ruthlessly hunted down by the Everqueen 's would-be consorts in an effort to gain her favour .
6 He took his time ; first cutting the cigar , then heating its tip with a succession of matches that he carelessly and provocatively dropped on to Wavebreaker 's scrubbed deck .
7 At one point , they saw the sea receding from the near-by beaches ; sucked away and apparently forced back by the earthquakes , so that quantities of sea creatures were left stranded .
8 He added : ‘ I am going to get myself physically and mentally sorted out during the winter .
9 As Ania Loomba puts it , in relation to colonialist studies , ‘ the neglect of histories surrounding native insubordination either devalues or romanticises the latter , or worse , tends to read colonised subjects through linguistic or psychoanalytic theories which , for some of us at least , remain suspiciously and problematically shot through with ethnocentric assumptions whose transfer to all subalterns is unacceptable ’ ( ‘ Overworlding ’ , cited from manuscript ) .
10 And , of the instinctual components necessarily repressed and sublimated in the service of culture , the coprophilic is one of the most significant , says Freud : ‘ the excremental is all too intimately and inseparably bound up with the sexual ; the position of the genitals — inter urinas et faeces — remains the decisive and unchangeable factor ’ ( vii .
11 The bungalow had been more or less cancelled out by mother 's renovations .
12 They have n't been as much part of my life as I would like , because for the last year or so it has been more or less taken up by the future of the channel .
13 My English friend Annie was more or less brought up by her nan in a back-to-back in Manchester .
14 JOHN BECK took over as manager of Second Division Preston yesterday and immediately hit back at his critics .
15 Back in the present , enemies of the guerrillas ' 'new democracy' have their feet and heads hacked off and crudely sewn back on — the wrong way round .
16 Thus , in course of time , the artificiality of feudal organization was more and more broken down by the use of money , until in twelfth-century England , feudal service was commonly replaced by the payment of a tax , scutage , ‘ shield-money ’ .
17 He became more and more wrapped up in himself .
18 It also provides an opportunity , and I think this is quite important , for people to get to know what is happening within the fields of expertise , which increasingly in our society become more and more specialised , more and more hedged off from one another , and in a sense I think that there is a very great danger if intelligent adults in the community , laymen in effect , do n't have some idea , some coherent idea , of what 's going on in these fields of specialisation and expertise .
19 He rang back again at once and mistakenly carried on with the Airds ' answering service , not realizing that the woman there had picked up by the time I got to the phone .
20 Thus a political response does not arise automatically and fully formed out of the needs generated by crisis .
21 The first question begs many others — but those of us who are familiar with some of the history of the disabled people 's movement will recognise that today 's ‘ disability professionals ’ are on a career path which has been carefully and painstakingly carved out by generations of their predecessors .
22 He sat holding his head in his hands for half an hour , but after that he stood up and just got on with it .
23 There was n't a single man who was n't there all spruced up and well turned out at this awkward hour .
24 ( b ) Procedure It is of vital importance that the procedures to be adopted in the case of an expulsion are clearly and effectively laid down in the partnership agreement and that they are observed to the letter .
25 Such criticisms are perhaps most clearly and tersely summed up in Hawthorn 's assessment of Hobhouse :
26 Once suitable terms have been settled and , one hopes , clearly and concisely set out in a signed agreement , you will be in a position to give the job your undivided attention , secure in the knowledge that you have created the right conditions for job survival .
27 As well as support from his bosses , the players are clearly and naturally lined up behind the beleaguered manager .
28 But those on the list who actually applied , as opposed to expressing vague interest , had no way of knowing whether their completed application forms had been weeded out or simply thrown on to the paper mountain along with everyone else .
29 I can wear it up or down , teased and back-combed out or just brushed back with a headband .
30 Now that too turned out to be fake .
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