Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [adv] [verb] the same " in BNC.

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1 Ask the thousands of FOBs — friends of Bill — why they have long thought that he would one day be a great president and their replies will sooner or later share the same point .
2 You could just as well say the same for him , death in a box , but it is a , and now the next advert , with him now , the next advert is even better .
3 If you are still unsure , walk on and then do the same again .
4 ‘ David more or less said the same , but I really do n't know what to think .
5 So that , no matter what they do , they are more or less giving the same performance each time .
6 And I think in terms of justifying that , if we had that you know , if you 're saying people have to justify why they 're going , I think they 'd all more or less say the same .
7 Similarly , just as when expectations of inflation were zero actual inflation of 5 per cent might sufficiently fool workers to generate an unemployment rate of 3 per cent , now , if expectations of inflation are 5 per cent , actual inflation would need to be 10 per cent to fool them by the same amount as before and hence generate the same unemployment rate of 3 per cent .
8 The programmer must , however check that the equivalent routine performs adequately as well as theoretically doing the same function .
9 My approach to computers then and now remains the same .
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