Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pers pn] is to be " in BNC.

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1 People who have infected sores , such as boils or styes , or who have diarrhoeal conditions , should not prepare food , especially when it is to be distributed to large numbers .
2 To survive , a butterfly must get away from it — at least 25cm away if it is to be certain of living until morning .
3 It does not keep so well , so make and ice the cake shortly before it is to be eaten .
4 Within his own country , he is not so much a Leviathan as a Gulliver figure hemmed in and tied down by a complex network of restraints that must be thrown off if he is to be more than a helpless giant in the White House .
5 All food needs to be stored and prepared carefully if it is to be enjoyed at its best .
6 Gazza should now be encouraged , not discouraged , and then disillusioned to find out that he is to be overlooked until next February .
7 MAUDE Alice Rand is 107 today and she is to be wished many happy returns by the Queen , the Queen Mother and the Archbishop of Canterbury .
8 1 Inform patient quietly that he is to be transferred to theatre .
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