Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pers pn] have [adv] been " in BNC.

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1 It is unexportable , because prescription , the inherent authority of that which has always been so , is a writ which runs only where it has always been so and amongst those amongst whom it has always been so .
2 On occasions , wage pressure exploded in very sharp increases , especially where it had previously been compressed by incomes policies .
3 Some of the work the Aborigines have produced is quite beautiful , especially where it has n't been corrupted by commercial interests . ’
4 And the letter is tells me basically that they 've not been able to find out what the cause of the explosion was , and that there has n't been any further explosion since .
5 Nevertheless , no measures were taken against him at the Restoration , suggesting perhaps that he had not been a republican by choice and may have worked towards the return of Charles II .
6 For a while my self-loathing and judgement of self went deeper than they had ever been in my life .
7 I feel more tied down than I 've ever been before .
8 He had taken the name of Varna from the name of the port from which he had sailed but he had lived his life in terror of deportation , a fear that had haunted him long after it had ceased to be a real threat , so that he had never been able to enjoy his son 's success , seeing it only as something which drew unwelcome attention to the Varna family .
9 Held , dismissing the appeal , that to sustain a plea of autrefois convict a defendant had to prove not only that he had already been found guilty of the offence charged by a court of competent jurisdiction , either by the decision of the court or verdict of the jury or entry of his own plea of guilty , but also that the court had finally disposed of the case by passing sentence or making some other order ; that since the proceedings on the first indictment had been discontinued before sentence had been passed there had been no final adjudication and the defendant had properly been convicted on the second indictment ; but that , in all the circumstances , particularly having regard to the lapse of time between trial and determination of the appeal to the Judicial Committee , it would be appropriate for the death sentence to be commuted ( post , pp. 931D–E , 935H ) .
10 It 's only that I have n't been able to get to the bank , being ill and all that , and I have n't got any money for the rent .
11 ‘ It is only that I have never been proposed to so abruptly , so boldly before . ’
12 Only that you 've not been on his bike or yesterday .
13 Perhaps if it had not been for the Shakoor Rana affair the TCCB might have handled this quietly and sensibly by issuing a non-committal statement and letting the fuss die down .
14 Perhaps if I had n't been a fool I would have been the dead girl in the road . ’
15 Perhaps if he had not been created a cardinal deacon he would have stayed in Bologna longer .
16 They 're not strong enough and they have n't been trained . ’
17 Mildred would have been absolutely thrilled by it all if she had not been so terrified of the task ahead of her .
18 ‘ Her nose was all bashed in and she had clearly been badly beaten .
19 Thirdly , the coach is in the business of picking winners , not his friends , so if you have n't been selected , you have to admit to yourself that perhaps you did n't deserve to be .
20 And so if you have not been concentrating on the question
21 So if I 'd still been giving Clive the best part of my days , occasions for dalliance would have been rare and risky .
22 Some people tend to use the arrowed direction keys too much and neglect the more powerful methods available , especially if they have not been trained to use a word processor .
23 This is no mean task , especially if they have not been doing any recruitment for the past few months .
24 Some of the prescribed topics may not at first seem particularly appealing , especially if they have not been covered in school before , but avenues can be explored for presenting them in an interesting way .
25 ‘ And I 'm sure he would have reciprocated the pleasure , mus , especially if you 'd still been in the same state of undress as you were when I left you .
26 It may distress you deeply , especially if you have never been in debt before , but do not succumb to anxiety .
27 There is really little point in scolding the puppy at this stage , especially if it has not been used to the big outdoors before .
28 it would n't of been put in if it had n't been accurate at the time
29 These measurements also make it clear that Mercury is a good deal more spherical than the Moon , perhaps because it has not been subjected to the tidal forces of a nearby planet .
30 Apparently because it had n't been done before …
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