Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pers pn] come [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This work promises to be arduous , especially when it comes to deal with Jewish settlements in the territories , the future of Jerusalem , and security .
2 Okay , so when you come to look at these videos , okay , slightly exaggerated but if you go down to court , and you might like to go down to the hall or somewhere locally , you 'll actually find that there are advocates who do what did deliberately wrong and what did deliberately wrong .
3 We give them in when they came trussed with the though we had before .
4 We go to the people … rather than them coming to look for us ! ’
5 Shortly after you came to live in this town she began to sell them very discreetly .
6 This belief in the witches power becomes more evident as the play goes on and he comes to rely on them for more .
7 There 's a heck of a lot of burning off when you come to think of all the burning off of paint we 're going to have to do .
8 Lapsing into silence , she sipped her now unwanted coffee and only looked up when he came to sit opposite her , a large plate of bacon and eggs before him .
9 He watched the two girls , who , to do them justice , thanked him very nicely , they were n't so badly brought up when you came to think about it , approach the shop by the side door .
10 But now that she came to think of it she had never been out to any sort of meal with John .
11 What her reception would be she feared to imagine , and as she drew near to the Mohaka River bridge she became filled with apprehension because , now that she came to think of it , she realised she was poking her nose into something that did not even remotely concern her .
12 He did sound so very sure of himself — and , now that she came to look at it , the wallet she was handing over so meekly did have a distinctly masculine air …
13 Now that he came to think of it , Edward was surprised this point had never cropped up before ; Biology was obviously a dodgier area than English and History .
14 Moreover , now that I come to think of it , it is perhaps not so surprising that it should also have made a deep impression on Miss Kenton given certain aspects of her relationship with my father during her early days at Darlington Hall .
15 In fact , now that I come to think of it , I have a feeling it may have been Lord Darlington himself who made that particular remark to me that time he called me into his study some two months after that exchange with Miss Kenton outside the billiard room .
16 His brother , on the other hand — this did seem a little odd , now that I come to think of it — had apparently learnt his German locally ; from his voice I should have said he was Austrian .
17 I should 've arranged it , now that I come to think of it .
18 If you had any sense at all you would start back now before they come looking for us . ’
19 John , of Pontypridd , Mid Glamorgan , said yesterday : ‘ It was n't until I came to pay for a car at the auction that I realised what I 'd done .
20 Even after he came to live with me , he still joined the family at chapel every Sunday .
21 ‘ Your Gran did n't want me around when you came visiting with Sarah and her family — wanted to have you to herself , she told me .
22 Maybe when they come to perform to each other that is for them a time for evaluation and assessment , and I consciously make it one , because it 's important when they produce , when they perform their music they really bare their souls .
23 They 've earned success on the back of prudent and adequate investment in a high skill level — the factor which decides above all else where you come to rest on the continuum from the under-developed third world economies , to the high performing advanced nations .
24 Her marriage was on the rocks , she had had a breakdown , her social life was in ruins and yet when she came to ask for his help she was wearing a sweatshirt which had the slogan on it , ‘ Christ is the answer ’ .
25 Yet when she came to think about this further , she realised that she was nowhere near understanding Brian .
26 Yet when she came to think about it further , she knew that if she were honest with herself , there had been an inevitability about her brief , wild , headlong fling with Freddie Nash .
27 Yet when I came to think about it , it was only the slang that I did n't quite understand .
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