Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pers pn] [modal v] [be] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I read in Acts 1 how Jesus promised the Holy Spirit to the disciples so that they might be witnesses .
2 So we can put some limits on the project : the chairs must be upholstered ; modern in the simplicity of their lines but not ‘ Cubist ’ for want of a better term ; easy on the eye and bottom ; they should fit in with other existing furniture ; and naturally should be of strong construction so that they will be heirloom quality .
3 Yes that seems to me to fit that sort of bill , erm to be quite honest I would prefer that we base the promises on a previous paper that T six six one , er you know , sort of er typical success of the fact looking forward cos at least erm that 's not so erm , you know , sort of difficult to erm you know achieve as erm sort of repairing potholes within , when you consider that the reason that the potholes do n't get mended is because government legislation has it that we have to actually erm have lines painted all round them , so that they can be part of the package of er road mending in many cases , I mean urgently erm difficult ones are not that common er so I think that perhaps some of these promises are so difficult because it gives with one hand and takes back with the other , you know , it says we promise , but , I , I would say that 's not much of a promise , you say I promise to erm , you know , erm merge , I forgot about , but if it said but , you know , if it rains I wo n't tell you , er it would be very sad
4 If only because they could be witnesses .
5 Just if she 'll , you know , just if she could be friends with me still , you know , and that ?
6 There was neither joy nor peace in the house and she found herself wishing the time away until it should be March .
7 Not unless we can be friends , proper friends .
8 Just because he might be royalty .
9 ‘ What are you drinking ? ’ he asked , going on to apologise that he would have to leave them shortly since it would be time for his surgery .
10 They can be grown in a large number of different ways but are typically one or two microns thick though they may be millimetres or even centimetres long .
11 The clerk inquired delicately if it would be cash or charge .
12 He 's not been paying , but I suppose , with a business like that it 'd be V A T would n't it ?
13 Now that is a very awkward word I mean it 's nothing like that it should be A T E should n't it .
14 Vern said it looked like the owners were coming to use the boat again soon : we 'd better clear off quick before it was light in the morning , specially as it 'd be Saturday .
15 You wo n't be involved in that Fay really cos you 'll be part of the erm procession with the oils you see .
16 Well generally he comes up for dinner , but he ai n't today so he 'll be Rhys will come , be in for dinner , he 'll turn up about three , and they sometimes stay , we sometimes play game in the afternoon , board game or something , it depends
17 We do not know even today whether or not this is the case , but Pons certainly felt very strongly that it should be lithium deuteroxide , LiOD .
18 Oh well no I 'll do it next time I 'm here and it 'll be August .
19 Thus our very existence could be regarded as a confirmation of grand unified theories , though a qualitative one only ; the uncertainties are such that one can not predict the numbers of quarks that will be left after the annihilation , or even whether it would be quarks or antiquarks that would remain .
20 even though they might be part and parcel of the same organization , they are not the leaseholders so they ca n't make the arrangements , so if they want to make the arrangement they must have the lease assigned to them first , then we will come to terms with them over land and to under le under let .
21 Even though they might be cult , they were very popular cult .
22 His strength was his obsessive single-mindedness , his refusal to be diverted by what at that moment were secondary issues ( even though they might be issues of far greater importance in the medium or long term ) .
23 Gen Enrile went on : ‘ I told them they would be treated fairly , justly and humanely but they must be man enough to take the consequences of their actions . ’
24 Gen Enrile went on : ‘ I told them they would be treated fairly , justly and humanely but they must be man enough to take the consequences of their actions . ’
25 Black holes and craters appear out of nowhere and it can be hell at night and very dangerous . ’
26 When the Collector mentioned this to Dr McNab he shook his head and said : " Aye , the poor man has a way to go yet before he 'll be sound . "
27 Somehow she could never hear disembodied footsteps on the stairs without wondering fleetingly if it might be Mark returning as unexpectedly as he had left .
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