Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 However , that figure was in fact far better than it looked as the banks had the worst ranking of any sector , with an average negative rating of -1,357 .
2 But he then swung the other way , especially once he discovered that the appointment of a new British prime minister was a possibility .
3 We therefore add a supplement so that we know that the horse is definitely receiving vital micro nutrients ( these are nutrients required in very small quantities ) .
4 When asked to endorse an SSR , managers are informed whether the package is intended for eventual issue as a product , so that they know if an SSR is liable to be sent to clients or if it is purely internal .
5 When asked to endorse an SSR , managers are informed whether the package is intended for eventual issue as a product , so that they know if an SSR is liable to be sent to clients or if it is purely internal .
6 A basic sense of wonder ( a ) to foster their capacity for imagination which can give rise to vision , realizing that reality can be greater and other than it often seems — so that they appreciate that a flat two-dimensional approach to life is not the only option available ; ( b ) to understand that religious faith expresses itself in a variety of forms , many of which are close to the arts , and to realize also that religious language is mostly used in symbolic or metaphorical ways ; ( c ) to appreciate the emotional power of religious commitment and how this can be beneficial or harmful .
7 Clearly this would only be the case if the company was perceived as an entity distinct from its shareholders so that it followed that the company and not the shareholders would be liable for any debts .
8 The actual concentration of an industry is hard to assess precisely and there are many different measures of it ( eg if we say that the five firm concentration ratio is 85 per cent , this means that the largest five firms in the industry control 85 per cent of the market ; a two firm concentration ratio of 100 per cent indicates that two firms completely dominate the market ) .
9 On the Tuesday I went in and they said that a letter would follow right that was on the Tuesday the twenty first something like that , then I never heard nothing from them until this came lunchtime post this Monday recorded delivery .
10 And he came in and I said and the mirror on the dressing table is n't done .
11 and he was saying to me er , he says Jean I says I live and learn and er he says , you know when he says , he talks through his nose , he says you know if they had 've left Sandy Row the way it was and just put bathrooms in and he says and the way it is
12 Buckets , well every night time , when we finished dredging , you had to wash down , wash the decks down cos I mean that the decks used to be covered in mud and slush , so all we had then was an old draw bucket on a bit of rope , over the side , there were n't no hoses then , we used to the bucket and then we used to swing all the mud back in there , in the river .
13 Generally , senators assume that the President has the right to make the nominations and they will block them only if they feel that the nominees are particularly weak and the President needs teaching a lesson .
14 Once again , pragmatism can be defended as providing a good fit with what judges actually do and say in hard cases only if we assume that a pragmatist would have noble-lie reasons for constructing and deferring to the best account of the principle underlying past cases in these situations .
15 Only if he feels that a private sector or B R management would be er frightened off bidding , and he knew that there were viable bids in play
16 ( 4 ) The sheriff may uphold an appeal under this section only if he considers that the licensing board in arriving at its decision : a ) erred in law ; b ) based its decision on any incorrect material fact ; c ) acted contrary to natural justice ; or d ) exercised its discretion in an unreasonable manner .
17 Puppies are unable to relate to an event which occurred in the past , so if you find that a place has been soiled overnight there is little point in scolding the puppy accordingly .
18 So if you buy when the trust is on an offer basis and sell when it is on a bid basis , you will suffer an effective charge of the full spread .
19 So if it appears that the Princess has contrived to bring her own marriage down then that is not the case at all , ’ says Penny .
20 This is not so and we stress that the results in Fig. 1.1 are routinely found .
21 Finally , we see that Xv ( σ xz ) is - 1 , so and we deduce that the vibration is of symmetry species b 2 .
22 that 's why she ca n't get the screw right down so and I doubt whether the woman in the shop will be able to do it , needs a bloke .
23 Especially if you add that the incident in question took place in public , and in broad daylight .
24 Now at the moment every doctor has in his desk a supply of what I call yellow cards , obviously because they 're yellow , which he 's asked to fill in if he thinks that a medicine which he has prescribed may have caused some nasty effect , for example to give the patient headaches , or to make them giddy , or to make them sick , or perhaps even something more serious than that .
25 The upshot of it is that the appellate court , where the matter is one of discretion , as this is of course , will not interfere with the discretion of the court below unless it considers that the court was plainly wrong or it has erred in principle , that it has taken into account something it should not have done or has failed to take into account something it should have done , and on that narrow basis I must proceed with this appeal .
26 But there is no doing so unless we accept that the literal writer has an imagination .
27 Well I 've put the big one in but I know that the rest would n't go in .
28 But was he under any duty to do more than he did merely because he knew that the money was intended ultimately to be lent by the father to the son ?
29 It is only because they assume that the entry of black families into their neighbourhood makes it ‘ undesirable ’ , for example , that white residents ‘ act rationally ’ to keep them out and protect the value of their properties .
30 It is probably a more accurate reflection of the truth , because of the likelihood that at least some of those who said ‘ yes ’ did so because they thought that the answer was expected of them .
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