Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [adv] they [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Yet they attached the greatest importance to the economic ( and its organization , the State ) , so that ultimately they denied the right of national self-determination ( that is , the right to an independent State ) .
2 they put the trusses on and then they fill the gables in and then put the tiles on .
3 More and more they saw the folly of setting out with a medium in search of a message …
4 The Manager joined Andrew Cunningham underground and together they continued the search but it was in vain and they were forced to return to the surface .
5 Their lips met once more as slowly they savoured the pure essence of love .
6 ‘ Some men beat yer farvver up an' then they set the ware'ouse alight , ’ Nellie said , her voice full of emotion .
7 New houses may be built , but more often than not they compromise the setting of the house without generating funds to restore it .
8 Sometimes these losses do not amount to anything important but more often than not they include the loss of some article of sentimental value which creates a strong emotional response .
9 and as often as not they win the race ,
10 Again and again they practised the scene with Goneril and Regan , Poor Selene as usual relegated to prompting ; but none was necessary .
11 There is no attempt to toilet-train children whatsoever and so consequently adults and children will by and large relieve themselves wherever and whenever they feel the need to do so .
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