Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pron] could [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 Snodgrass embarked on a story about a very famous jewel called the Koh-i-noor , which he thought had once adorned a great King 's State Crown and explained how it had been so rare and so heavy that it had had to be kept locked away behind bars and guards , so that nobody could steal it .
2 We had to organise it so that we could move it on a Saturday night from Manchester to Oxford and get it ready for a full orchestra , circus , and technical rehearsal on Tuesday afternoon .
3 Its original purpose was to enable us to turn our work so that we could rehang it with the plain side towards us , knit a few rows of reversed stocking stitch and then turn it back again to continue in stocking stitch or pattern .
4 the point of view that the P A was booked for four thirty , so that we could set it up
5 Then her mother would graciously conduct half an hour of polite conversation with all these people , who Jo knew were otherwise pretty cool and mostly also pretty sane , and they would all pretend to be interested in whatever dumb thing she said , and laugh if she made any of her awful little jokes and store away any personal information she disclosed so that they could tell it to their friends the next day and make it absolutely clear that they were on intimate terms with a really big star .
6 So that they could get it for the turn of the new leaf of the quarter .
7 The electricity people called to ask my permission to put poles in my land so that they could take it even higher , and I agreed to it .
8 Rufus overtook a bus going to Colchester and dropped the two in the back so that they could catch it .
9 and then when it got over to the Clerks ' Department they used to stick it on another piece of paper so that they could put it on the file
10 They showed this to Auntie Lou and she gave them a frame so that they could hang it in their bedroom , but they did n't look at it much .
11 They hung it to an almond tree in the square by its ankles so that everyone could see it , and when it began to rot they burned it in a bonfire , for they could not determine whether its bastard nature was that of an animal to be thrown in the river or a human being to be buried …
12 Somehow it always righted itself and reached the front , where new hands seized it and raised it high so that everyone could see it .
13 Then the gong sounded for tea , which somehow had to be endured , the shrimps shelled , the bread buttered , the milk and tea poured into the cups , Victoria 's cake to be cut into fingers so that she could eat it all up .
14 so that she could sing it over you again . ’
15 She told herself she wanted to have her photograph taken so that she could send it to Aunt Sarah , but really it was for herself .
16 I spoke to her , telling her to do as we had earlier discussed and detach herself from the scene so that she could see it and tell me about it but could not feel any distress , whether mental , physical or emotional .
17 Since the advent of Felicity , she had gone up to sleep in the attic — an arrangement she preferred , as she had absolute privacy up there , and as luck would have it , there was an electric fire , so that she could use it as a study .
18 Putting both hands on her head so that he could tilt it up towards him , he said :
19 Taking her chin between his thumb and forefinger , he held her face so that he could scrutinise it .
20 Well what they 're doing actually it 's quite right because they 're they tended to play the long ball to Steve Walsh so that he could head it down and what they 're doing actually they 've got two four foot eight forwards in Jochim and Speedy and a nine foot seven winger Ormanroyd
21 They said that it was of himself and that the parcel contained a gun which had been taken to pieces so that he could carry it inconspicuously .
22 The sleeping-bag he rolled up in the blankets and tied with belts so that he could carry it on his back .
23 Mr Crump made a note to get the Honourable Colonel to repeat the full name of the resembled figure later so that he could copy it out and memorise it .
24 It was funny how quickly she had got used to it , sitting there with them watching her while she swabbed her nipple and lifted the baby close to her so that he could reach it .
25 Dorcas had changed the wiring so that he could make it ring whenever he liked .
26 The range of Iain 's reading was a constant surprise to me , and he had that rare ability to remember what he had read so that he could pass it on .
27 He gave the banner a second glance , fixing its curves and lines in his mind , storing the sight so that he could draw it some time .
28 Andreas was always trying to steal the key so that he could read it .
29 He turned the door handle slowly , the automatic gripped in his fist , held high so that he could swing it down into a firing position if necessary .
30 But he could hardly wait to get rid of Antony so that he could test it .
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