Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pron] is [vb pp] by " in BNC.

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1 However , unless the expert clause says so or it is agreed by the parties before the appointment is made , the expert need have no particular qualifications at all .
2 When a female is ready to spawn she will leave her cave ( in which she will have previously have spent a lot of time ) and approach the male , who will display to her by quivering his body slightly and beating his tail in front of her , so that she is buffeted by the current created .
3 Basically communication is said to occur when a person ( the sender ) has a message which he sends in a particular medium , so that it is received by a recipient in whom it produces a response , followed by feedback to the sender ( Fig. 7.1 ) .
4 To feed the spider , throw the insect into the web so that it is caught by the sticky threads .
5 So , too , if you shift my bicycle from a public stand in order to get at your own , and forget to replace mine so that it is stolen by someone , that may be trespass , but it is not conversion .
6 This entails , as was pointed out above , that disobedience to a law is justified only if it is justified by an existing legal doctrine to that effect .
7 This is because an anticipatory repudiation terminates a contract only if it is accepted by the innocent party , Fercometal S.a.r.l. v. Mediterra-nean Shipping Co. ( 1988 H.L. ) .
8 Time after time Nizan hammered out his basic message : the internal logic of fascism is rearmament leading to war ; the only way to prevent the catastrophe of a world-wide conflict is the creation of a potent counterbalancing force expressly designed to curb the expansionist tendencies of fascist nation states ; peace will be possible only if it is guaranteed by an effective network of alliances forged between civilised , peace-loving nations such as France , Great Britain and , above all , the USSR .
9 Mr Pavlov said that the anti-crisis programme will work only if it is backed by all 15 republics .
10 sniffing can have an effect on the heart , so if it is followed by exertion or fright , death may result .
11 Physics was chosen as a representative subject , not only because it is studied by so few women , and is therefore a typically masculine discipline , but also because it tends to be regarded as the most objective , rigorous and , indeed , successful of the pure sciences .
12 We should prefer to see it being done in London so long as it is done by male labour , it is no matter where .
13 Especially as it is told by the protagonists themselves , each giving his own gloss on their titanic duel .
14 Electoral reform can , it seems , be realistically expected only when it is initiated by a minority Conservative or Labour government as the price of survival exacted by a party or combination of parties holding the balance of power .
15 They also claim that forgiveness produces reconciliation only when it is preceded by repentance .
16 Where an odour has multi-sources this problem is exacerbated especially when it is created by two or more chemicals coming together neither of which individually amount to a nuisance .
17 In February 1980 the Afghan Foreign Minister argued that ‘ the presence of foreign troops in a country , especially when it is requested by that country , is basically not against the principles of non-alignment ’ .
18 The use of a shotgun for rabbit clearance , as opposed to the fun of the occasional shot , continues to be less effective than the rifle and especially so when it is used by individuals rather than in conjunction with an organised rough rabbit shoot .
19 Public-sector borrowing ( item 1 ) will lead to a direct increase in the money supply , but not if it is funded by selling bonds and bills to the non-bank private sector .
20 The criminal justice system projects itself above social conflicts and expects to be recognized as fair and just because it is guided by universal principles that transcend sectional interests .
21 When she criticizes the inconstancy of women , it is not because she is overwhelmed by Pope 's influence , but because she has been , if not betrayed , at least disappointed in her friendships with other women .
22 It is simply that the type is more or less stable , established by convention , whereas the token is not since it is conditioned by context .
23 The following , recommended by the Law Society , is now widely used : In consideration of you today completing the purchase of we hereby undertake forthwith to pay over to Building Society the money required to redeem the mortgage/legal charge dated and to forward the redeemed mortgage/legal charge to you as soon as it is received by us from the Building Society .
24 The Regulation enters into force on 1 January 1993 or as soon as it is approved by the European Parliament , which should be the end of March .
25 The order may come into effect as soon as it is signed by the relevant minister .
26 He can identify a familiar name more quickly if it is preceded by an associated face , even though he does not report finding any face familiar .
27 The rhythm that persists in such constant routines must be caused internally and it is produced by the body clock .
28 This cadaver will call for more extensive ‘ treatment ’ by the embalmer , due partly to the delay it causes and partly because what is perceived by him to be often unwarranted mutilation .
29 The new permissive society differs from its Victorian predecessor not only by virtue of its sexual and moral freedom , but also because it is characterised by lack of agreement over questions of morality , and over the role of the state in the enforcement of morals .
30 Is a living creature rhythmic wholly because it is driven by a rhythmic environment and life-style ?
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