Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pron] [modal v] see the " in BNC.

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1 He sa he 's just discovered everybody 's gon na be colouring in so you could see the deterioration in the wi
2 Perhaps you would like to come along so you can see the plant in operation ? ’
3 A small extract from the hierarchy is shown here so that one can see the path from the root of the hierarchy to each of the words in Figure 6
4 Penelope was careful to walk to her chair with a sort of sideways movement , so that nobody should see the back of her dress .
5 When the first stones hurtled towards the boar , it lunged forward , its head rising clear above the water so that we could see the downward curve of its tusks , the bead-like eyes wild with terror .
6 Inside , the blaze was already fierce , fanned by the high wind , the heat building up so that they could see the metal beginning to glow .
7 It 's always the programmer — it 's very , very seldom the computer — and if I could just go on for a minute , I feel it 's essential that young children , particularly in the primary schools , get used to using hardware and programing , so that they will see the computer as part of their normal lives , like reading and writing and anything else they use .
8 Sitting at a table in the corner so that they can see the door , catch the others ' eyes when they come in .
9 Before the family are contacted an appointment is arranged with the nominated paediatrician so that they can see the family within a day of their being approached by the primary health care team .
10 They enjoy sharing their pleasure in their work with visitors and the Showroom is designed so that they can see the work in progress .
11 The bodies would look sordid and ugly , dressed in old , rather soiled nightshirts and laid in open-topped coffins , slightly tilted so that everyone could see the contents .
12 Occasionally she was able to force herself to go in a lift if it was one of those with a window at the front so that she could see the passing floors .
13 Shadows carved the flesh from his features so that she could see the fine lines of his skull , the hard mystery of essential bone .
14 She managed to make a half turn so that she could see the silver door , because perhaps she could reach out and reach over and grasp the elaborate handle and somehow pull herself out .
15 Daisy Pettigrew changed her reading for her long distance glasses , so that she could see the vicarage garden more clearly .
16 His dark jacket hung open to reveal a finely striped shirt , unbuttoned at the neck so that she could see the healthy bronze of his skin .
17 His sleeves were rolled back to reveal golden , muscular forearms , the first two buttons of his shirt were undone so that she could see the strong , tanned column of his throat , the hollow where his pulse beat , the start of the strong , hard planes of his chest .
18 She settled the old lady on a stretcher near the door , so that she could see the sunlit complex , and the happy holidaymakers laughing and shouting as they played in the pool , their conversations a mixture of Spanish and English .
19 Be that as it may , Pigafetta 's diaries of the journey remain the classic source for all future accounts of the voyage : he had joined the ships , he said , because he was ‘ desirous of sailing with the expedition so that he might see the wonders of the world ’ .
20 But his blood seemed to be flowing at twice the normal Speed and he stood carefully , so that he could see the doorway .
21 She glimpsed him through the glass walls of his studio as she walked past , his watch nailed to a tree so that he could see the time .
22 Boy wound down the window so that he could see the stars better , and then he made the man kiss him , right there .
23 Then they drove on , freezing , because Boy kept his window down so that he could see the stars .
24 He decided to listen to their conversation , and knelt down outside the tent , making a little hole with his knife in the heavy cotton so that he could see the two people inside .
25 He gripped Gilbert 's chin and forced it up so that he could see the blue-white flickering of Darkfall lightning beyond the broken windows .
26 Tallboy moved his seat slightly out of symmetry so that he could see the three-quarter face of Jefferson .
27 It climbed slightly as it neared us — so that he could see the indicator lights on the roof rack of the car , I suppose — then it dipped a wing and dropped abruptly to the ice .
28 I felt I should include them in the list if only so that you could see the limited choice at present available .
29 You may not hear the ‘ door porter ’ through which a visitor announces his name , but you can have a peephole installed in the front door so that you can see the caller before opening the door .
30 As a speechreading passenger , it is an easy matter to arrange a mirror on the visor so that you can see the passenger in front and chat in the ordinary way .
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