Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pron] [verb] [pron] from " in BNC.

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1 Onions are a very easy crop to grow , especially if you grow them from sets .
2 So long as we learn something from every mistake we make , time has n't been wasted .
3 Only when she needs something from you , perhaps ? ’
4 Not that it stopped her from gobbling up every cultural titbit dropped before her .
5 And not until I have someone from the American embassy present . ’
6 Beth was convinced that Matthew would run away if she took him from this house , then what would become of him ?
7 Someone who would smile when I walked into a room , look pleased that I had come home — not because they wanted something from me , but because I was me .
8 There it was , just as she remembered it from her childhood , further along the bank , down concrete steps , choked up now with tall , dark green nettles .
9 As soon as we removed ourselves from eyries at Television Centre and Broadcasting House , people began saying to us that the key subject we had to look at was one of portrayal and representation on air .
10 At first I was bitterly jealous of Rachel and only wanted Jacob to love me more than her to win something from her for the first time in my miserable life , but by the end of that blissful week , I found that I , unfortunately , had also fallen victim to his charms .
11 When she tackled him in the wood , he produced the gun to frighten her off but she wrested it from him and shot him .
12 I 'd kept it in the bottom of my bra-and-pants drawer ever since I stole it from Dad .
13 Mr Newman died on the night of the general election , but police released full details only yesterday after they identified him from dental records .
14 I knew nothing about this convicting work of the Spirit in her , until a week later when she rang me from Halifax and asked , ‘ Does God really harden people 's hearts ? ’
15 And that if you do n't pick them up and put them back where you got them from , they are still there two weeks later , and the house looks a bit of a tip .
16 Mrs Anne Lennox , whose husband , Sqn Ldr Garry Lennox , was shot down and killed over Iraq , said that the three RAF widows would have to undergo ‘ demeaning means tests ’ years from now if they wanted something from the fund .
17 Tatum , 29 , was said to have walked out because he banned her from going back into movies after six years as a wife and mother .
18 But remember to check it out before you buy anything from the manufacturer .
19 The realistic Dods admitted afterwards : ‘ While it was a relief to get back scoring again , the fact remains that with other threatened clubs earning points elsewhere in the country , it was just as well that we took something from this one . ’
20 She said it as if it was a joke , but Alan knew perfectly well that she meant it from the bottom of her heart .
21 course well if you get it from them you just get the money and then
22 Well if you get it from there she can always take them back .
23 But the reader gains as well because he sees it from a different angle .
24 And I un well as I understand it from , from , from the friends in Moscow their , their traditional industries are very archaic , they may have erm , the expertise in , in the armament section , but the other things , what they need is some of our engineers and we 've got a lot of engineers who were working overseas and at the moment are n't .
25 ‘ And does n't it reassure you to know she told me about coming here when she kept it from her family ? ’
26 A herring gull ( G ) hardly moving a feather as it follows a boat , the long wings are foreshortened dramatically as we view them from the side
27 At a glance this seems eminently reasonable — not least if it protects us from Family videos .
28 Theories have been put forward that it had anything from 6 to 24 sides , and even that it may have been circular .
29 And then nothing for a few moments , until his voice came again and he lifted himself from her .
30 Erm most of the furniture we choose either because we know it from inventories and lists to have been the kind of thing that was in middle class households in York , or in some cases like this , where we know the 's have actually owned something like this .
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