Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pron] [verb] [pron] a " in BNC.

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1 It seems to me clear that the answer has to be yes , provided only that we allow ourselves a sufficiently large series of Ks .
2 Perhaps if we give her a little more time ? ’
3 Perhaps if she asked him a simple , straightforward question she would receive a simple , straightforward answer in return .
4 It was the summer 1989 when I went down to the golf club with a friend and played around with him after that I borrowed his clubs quite regularly and practised eventually mum & Dad chipped in and I bought myself a set of clubs well to be exact I bought myself a bag of three iron and a putter during the next two years I had saved up and built up my set of clubs until I had a half set of irons and 2 woods during that time I had always left my clubs at the golf club to save me taking the clubs to the course every time I played .
5 Well he , he said if they , if , if , some , get a visitor in and I give them a cup of coffee well that 's all right , but I do n't know if it 's money or , or like maybe , maybe .
6 when she , this man was n't very well on , she saw him up at her window and she saw he was n't very well on the other side of the road and she sent down to ask him to come in and she gave him a cup of tea and everything and she was talking
7 And I went down and he gave me a letter , he says Take your wife in to the general hospital with this letter .
8 So if I give someone a bit of a clout now and then , it sort of clears me again . ’
9 Well , you know , practically , the governor or the head you see , he knows what he 's got ta work , but erm , I , I know because the lads do n't , but he generally tells them well I wan na work so and so and he gives me a bit of paper with the horses names on wants galloping .
10 But no , it 's only because he reminds me a bit of him , that gloomy bit , that deep bit , that bit that dominated when his head sank into his shoulders and his mouth turned down and the light went from his eyes , that bit that took over when he resisted and turned inwards and moped .
11 ‘ Well , it 's only because you gave me a leg-up at the beginning , explaining the theory and such . ’
12 The army , because of its links with the propertied classes , was anxious to support the social order against revolution , especially since it guaranteed it a monopoly of the means of warfare and substantial defence expenditure .
13 This made for a softer , more innocent and ingenuous ‘ Dora ’ , but perhaps what was needed was a slightly sharper , more bristly Dora with a hidden vulnerability , which came more naturally when I gave her a North London accent …
14 ‘ I wo n't tell Mr Mac , long as you give me a ride on Miss Ellen when you 're done . ’
15 At that point the creditor could still refuse to have the man released from prison and insist of his being kept there , so long as he paid him a groat a day .
16 Shakespeare must have thought them common enough : in As You Like It a frustrated Rosalind says , ‘ I prithee , take thy cork out of thy mouth that I may drink thy tidings . ’
17 My only other memory of that period was Schultz 's , the sausage-maker — a Saturday night treat for us , especially when he gave us a toothless grin and slipped an extra sausage in free .
18 Do you how much do put in when you give it a feed ?
19 He understood it a little better when he saw what a state the survivors were in .
20 Erm it 's just that it throws you a bit if you 've learnt them that way .
21 I was scared of them but I was n't going to let them get away so I gave them a good run for their money .
22 She blew the darkness away and he gave her a quick smile as the last doubt faded .
23 just cos I saved you a green there love .
24 Gedanken smiled , ‘ I wo n't let on , ’ adding as an afterthought , ‘ at least , not if you do me a favour . ’
25 Not until you give me a few answers and do me the courtesy of telling the truth . ’
26 She had a little smile on her face because she had won that round easily and it gave her a great deal of satisfaction .
27 He said : ‘ The van was not there at 6pm but I noticed it a little bit later .
28 She pulled away and scrambled back to her side of the seat , but not before he gave her a knowing little smile .
29 Not as we seen him a lot but least he could come and say alright .
30 So I wrapped up the conversation as rudely as someone on Newsnight trying to silence a politician , just as he dealt me a social body blow .
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