Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pron] [vb -s] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 He claims that one can ‘ understand narrative better if one knows that a character is a noun , and the action a verb ’ .
2 Only if one believes that the prospect of privatization is the only way to improve management performance in nationalized industries can one attribute the benefit to privatization itself .
3 Only if he feels that a private sector or B R management would be er frightened off bidding , and he knew that there were viable bids in play
4 ( 4 ) The sheriff may uphold an appeal under this section only if he considers that the licensing board in arriving at its decision : a ) erred in law ; b ) based its decision on any incorrect material fact ; c ) acted contrary to natural justice ; or d ) exercised its discretion in an unreasonable manner .
5 So if it appears that the Princess has contrived to bring her own marriage down then that is not the case at all , ’ says Penny .
6 Now at the moment every doctor has in his desk a supply of what I call yellow cards , obviously because they 're yellow , which he 's asked to fill in if he thinks that a medicine which he has prescribed may have caused some nasty effect , for example to give the patient headaches , or to make them giddy , or to make them sick , or perhaps even something more serious than that .
7 The upshot of it is that the appellate court , where the matter is one of discretion , as this is of course , will not interfere with the discretion of the court below unless it considers that the court was plainly wrong or it has erred in principle , that it has taken into account something it should not have done or has failed to take into account something it should have done , and on that narrow basis I must proceed with this appeal .
8 This , of course , happens so quickly that it appears that the letters are displayed as a direct mechanical response to the keypress .
9 In the case of a lossless transmission line , equations ( 9.78 ) and ( 9.79 ) become , through incorporation of the results of equations ( 9.80 ) , ( 9.86 ) and ( 9–87 ) , When such a line is terminated by impedance Z L at as depicted in figure 9.16(a) Hence or It follows that the input impedance of a lossless transmission line of length l terminated by impedance Z L is or
10 Committees of enquiry can be set up ad hoc to look into particular matters , but a government can always prevent one being set up if it fears that the results may be embarrassing , since a majority of the Assemblée must vote for their creation .
11 He wrote month after month with fearful haste , and yet the Soviet editor only exaggerates slightly when he says that the manuscripts reveal ‘ immense , most rigorous work , literally over every phrase ’ .
12 He rejects the criteria favoured by Thompson not , of course , out of mere dogmatism , but rather because he believes that the self-consciousness of a class is not a crucial factor in explaining its birth and development .
13 But nationally and locally because it seems that the answer to crime is , the decision was reached with the Chief Constable and the chairman of the police committee with very little reference to and the deputy and we were not consulted on whether or not it should take place or ask what problems we would encounter we were told it was taking place .
14 With such a commitment , McDonnell-Douglas may then decide to pull out if it concludes that the industry is not big enough for three profitable producers .
15 This is true , of course , in so far as it means that no contemporary authors were going to write stories about a single murderer being exposed when lawlessness was rife and human life generally seen as of little account .
16 For example , even if one accepts that a man ought to pay his mistress , to require him to support her children , even if he is not their father , seems outrageous .
17 Even if one accepts that the thesis accounts for why blacks are overrepresented in reactive activities such as boxing and soccer , and underrepresented in self-paced sports such as golf and swimming , it does not explain why blacks do not excel in such reactive sports as motor racing , tennis , fencing , squash or even skiing !
18 Even if one knows that an ancestor was buried in a certain parish , finding the appropriate registration district in the indexes can be problematic .
19 ‘ It must be got rid of even if it means that the Prime Minister goes down with her own flagship ’ .
20 I do not think this difficulty is insuperable , particularly if one accepts that a single gene mutation could have a large effect in fitting an organism to a new environment .
21 With the exception of the use of nominalizations and a change from the past to the present tense , my suggested version is identical to the existing translation ( the present tense is the correct one to use here because it signals that the abstract reports the contents of the paper , not the procedures undertaken in the research — see discussion of tense as a signalling device in academic abstracts , Chapter 4 , section 4.2.4 ) .
22 Lieb puts it well when he observes that the facade inscription on St Michael Berg am Laim — ‘ This is the Lord 's doing ; it is marvellous to our eyes ’ — paid homage not only to the King of kings , but also to the all powerful Josef Clemens , prince-bishop of Cologne .
23 Indeed , Landry is mistaken even when she claims that the poems are silent on the question of lower class marriage : in ‘ The Month of August ’ , for example , Phillis , a country girl , believes that she will be happy in marriage to a man of her own class , and Leapor does not undermine that suggestion .
24 Change haunts Spenser , even when he acknowledges that a providential order is operating .
25 No need to worry — they they 'll be queuing up for me , ’ even though everyone knows that the whole area 's been appallingly hit by the recession and that the whole country , come to that , is in much the same state .
26 Confession is the strategy which minimises the maximum jail sentence the prisoner can receive , and this minimax strategy is the best one , even though it ensures that the prisoner can not receive the lowest sentence allowed by the ‘ game ’ , the one year for a lesser offence .
27 If he does so , the auctioneer can make the purchaser pay the full price again , even though it means that the purchaser pays twice over . ’
28 This is a worrying trend particularly when one considers that the experts at DDRC can not as yet offer an explanation .
29 Yet if one accepts that a number of very accomplished poets remained firmly off the routes of mainstream development , it must be accepted that the history of women 's poetry , and of poetry in general through the eighteenth century , has been interpreted in a simplistic manner .
30 I am disappointed with the amendment principally because it says that the Bill ’ fails to establish independent consumer ombudsmen ’ .
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