Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pron] [vb past] [verb] he " in BNC.

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1 She wished suddenly that she had met him under different circumstances : not as Jenny 's boy friend ; not as her fellow beneficiary in Aunt Alicia 's will .
2 He used to pop out and use a pay phone , ringing publishers at awkward times like lunch time so that they had to ring him back .
3 She was a devout appeaser , totally apathetic about world politics , but quite positive about Charles Willoughby ; so much so that she 'd allowed him to move into her flat in the enormous new block facing south across the river to the huge but fairly new Battersea Power Station .
4 He grabbed her , reaching over to where she sat at the end of the sofa , turning her roughly by the arm so that she had to face him , had to look deep into his angry , ice-blue eyes .
5 Trouble is , I do n't know what he 'd do - " He broke off suddenly and turned his head away , whispering , " My father , my father , my father … " in a way so bitter and desperate that she turned to him and held him ; and although they had already stayed far longer than on previous nights , she had a sudden foreboding of events , so that she needed to love him again , now ; and a little while later , without thinking of the danger , she cried out with the joy of him : a single shriek in the night that echoed in the trees below the house and was followed by a strange , almost tangible silence .
6 Though the voice was larded with the tones owed to ‘ land in the family ’ , the man himself was decent , polite , unpretentious , and unpatronising throughout the half hour or so that I spent photographing him .
7 So that I wanted to defend him from the beginning .
8 Either he loved Kirsty less than she had given him credit for , or he hated Shiona even more fiercely than she had ever suspected .
9 Perhaps if I 'd entered him for the Champion Hurdle , he might have sold .
10 ‘ You would n't have thought so if you 'd heard him shouting after me as I ran away , ’ Sarah said .
11 I would save some money and then I would find a man to marry me , especially if I promised to bring him to London .
12 And anyway I carried him half way along and I had to put him down
13 She always did think Jeremy was all right-once you got to know him .
14 ‘ The trouble is , ’ says Mr Poole , ‘ people say now , ‘ How long before he died did he come here ? ’
15 Of course , you may retort , as did Mr Graham whenever I expounded such a line during those enjoyable discussions by the fire , that if I am correct in what I am saying , one could recognize a great butler as such only after one had seen him perform under some severe test .
16 I thought then that , much as I longed to see him , it might be as well to start hoping he would n't come back until I could truthfully tell him there would be no baby .
17 She stood back and watched him approach the three headstones , saw him touch them as gently as she had known he would .
18 I do n't think so when I went to let him in he 'd pulled himself up round the patio and looked as though he expected to be walloped for being silly he 's taken us this morning .
19 So when he heard did he just start immediately then ?
20 Karen , very tired and possibly a little drunk , realised slowly that she had seen him deploy this technique before , at an earlier dinner in the house , and that somehow it was probably quite offensive .
21 When she returned , though , he had n't disappeared — he was standing exactly where she had left him .
22 And squatting in what little shelter there was beside the door , just where she 'd expected him , Farquhar Neas .
23 There were hundreds of screaming women outside and we had to whisk him down to the underground car park and shut the gates behind him .
24 ‘ Well , he wanted it tonight but I managed to convince him I could n't possibly get that much money together before tomorrow night . ’
25 Just because he 'd said he would like to see her in red .
26 She must n't let the sense of happiness grow and blossom just because she had met him .
27 Besides , she was thinking , what on earth had possessed him to come rushing over here just because she wanted to see him ?
28 That I 've done what I 've done because it seemed to me right , not because I wanted to spite him . ’
29 Not since he 'd seen him off from Nanking back in November ‘ 03 .
30 She left the other kipper for Oliver , but decided that she would wait a bit longer before she went to fetch him .
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