Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pron] [adv] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 I think perhaps that I actually needed to be able to think the worst of you , however personally unpalatable that worst was to me , as some sort of a defence , so that I could despise you even if it meant despising myself as well .
2 Indeed it may well be that a claim for contribution in respect of exemplary damages is not within section 1(1) on the facts of this case , so that one never gets to section 2 in relation to such a claim .
3 so that they really had to be brought out .
4 Many subtleties of meaning are carried by words in this category , and these meanings have to become attached to the written forms so that they readily convey to the reader what kind of thinking is taking place .
5 Most power converters are required to provide transformer isolation between input and output , and the isolated version of the Cuk converter has to have energy coupling capacitors on all its windings , so that they then have to be provided as energy coupling devices plus the transformer .
6 My mother 's hotel may have elevated her from the raw stuff of commerce — so much so that she now subscribed to Country Living and other unspecialist periodicals — but the caravan enclosure was decaying anew .
7 You should clear either the reply or forward fields using LINEFEED or Ctrl/J so that you either reply to the task mail or forward it , not both .
8 I said almost nothing in the letter ; only that I 'd thought about her once or twice , that I had discovered what ‘ the waiting-room ’ meant ; and that she was to write back only if she really wanted to , I 'd quite understand if she did n't .
9 So if you just sold to that at a small surgery that 's what your earnings would be .
10 So if you really want to be kind , that 's what you 'll let me do . ’
11 So if you really want to the best for you dog , give him a good rub down .
12 Sometimes Matthew or Luke depart from Mark 's order of events but never at the same time together and they always return to it .
13 I mean , at the moment there 's no housekeeper so unless I actually say to the maid will you just put something in the oven for me ?
14 It was a photo-opportunity for everyone but only because they genuinely wanted to be there , and to have their picture taken .
15 It 's just they like you to , to slip in before you actually start to .
16 Right Leona , can you , can you just go over s the places you lived in before you actually moved to the flat ?
17 ‘ It says something for the civilising effect of our upbringing that we can both sit here calmly sharing a meal together when we freely admit to the same deep-seated and violent antipathy . ’
18 But only when I really want to .
19 Loathsome as he now is , he becomes still more so as he hypocritically professes to Cornwall his filial embarrassment : ‘ How , my lord , I may be censured , that nature thus gives way to loyalty , something fears me to think of … .
20 I do n't want to give the impression that we often talked about Shanti 's origins ; we only did so when she obviously wanted to .
21 So when you actually come to erm , try and influence somebody , you you 're actual behaviour in there is based on sound er preparation , sound positive thoughts .
22 but they 're not relevant to that so when you actually come to that you fill in all the relevant details
23 Well the , the , the , the , the sort of , the sort of background as I have seen it he never struck me as being particularly clever or bright it 's just that he always seemed to be very well taught and academically successful and exams never seemed an undue problem , and so he went off to Wolverhampton Poly which he selected for , you know , all the usual reasons , reasonable place , reasonable course , a reasonable this a reasonable that , tt erm to do computer science which of course all the kids want to do now erm twentieth centu no it is n't it 's a sort of nineteen eighties version of wanting to be an engine driver is n't it ?
24 No , I think it 's just that it just seems to be like this every year now Peter , that everybody tends to erm wait until the last minute .
25 So Grice 's point is not that we always adhere to these maxims on a superficial level but rather that , wherever possible , people will interpret what we say as conforming to the maxims on at least some level .
26 Not that I ever wanted to .
27 Not that it really mattered to him any more .
28 Not that it seriously occurred to either of us that anyone might think we had murdered Dennis .
29 The elderly relatives did what they could but it meant that all through his life — not that he even survived to forty — there was never a chance to take it a bit easier , no one he could rely on to do the work if he was ill or tired .
30 It should be noted that he remarks that ‘ people ’ do not want to see a black face , not that he personally objects to such a sight .
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