Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [verb] [prep] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 In order to form an estimate of both the range and the limitations of the record of landholding we can not do better than commence by examining the section devoted to a single parish , Empingham in Rutland .
2 ‘ If and when that is done we can sit down and talk about getting the fight on .
3 I keep remembering the last night we were here — same hotel and all — and how Matt and I went out and got stinko-paralytico together and ended up doing the Zorba dance and got thrown out and Matt pointing at me and saying to the waiters Hey do n't you recognize Mista Rick from Parkway Peninsula and they did n't and made us pay for the plates .
4 A group of aid agencies and churches have banded together and succeeded in getting the cooperation of the rebels and the government in the long running civil war .
5 ‘ What we are working on is a mist which the mice breath in as opposed to pouring the complex into the trachea .
6 Every manager has a responsibility towards the organisation as a whole , and must define the activities of his own unit so as to contribute towards achieving the organisation 's objectives .
7 Every manager has a responsibility towards the organisation as a whole , and must define the activities of his own unit so as to contribute towards achieving the organisation 's objectives .
8 Rather than start by discussing the finer points of the various varieties ( covered in an earlier article ) , let's approach the subject literally : a good starting point is the size of Koi to aim for .
9 It has left society with the obligation to give much more serious thought to adjusting the street environment rather than concentrating on adjusting the behaviour of the user .
10 But rather than focussing on ending the bad relationship I would try to encourage the child to develop other friendships . ’
11 As the volume of water required for lockage of the existing traffic was 1,000,000 cubic feet only , it is obvious that it would have been more effective in the saving of water to reduce leakage rather than to concentrate on reducing the passage of water through locks — and much cheaper .
12 I find myself able to place the words , in all their moving directness , right into the laibon 's mouth as he spoke , with Ol Doinyo Lengai away in the distance looking like a steamed pudding , its runnelled slopes lightly coated with cream , poured from above but vitrified before reaching the base .
13 Spray wipe covers , tubes or bulbs , dry thoroughly and return after stripping the protective film .
14 Can we just get the prayer out and start by saying the prayer together please .
15 I remember well all the characters ‘ Parky ’ reminisces about and recall with longing the great sliding tacklers .
16 But if the monster parents do not act monstrously and succeed in containing the passion , the children are reassured .
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