Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [verb] [pron] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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31 Kept on pulling his trousers down and putting his out in his pockets .
32 Dorothea sat her down and padded her in with cushions , smiled vaguely and went off to make the tea .
33 She did so and handed them back to him , her irritation scarcely hidden .
34 ‘ Be thankful I 'm not a Gunner : I 'd 've brought my theodolite along and surveyed us down to the inch every five minutes . ’
35 And that she she looked shocked , you know , she did n't did n't know me like , and er , well she was shocked , and then I said I said , right well we 'll have to get together and sort something out about stopping with her , and Pete said straight away .
36 Reflecting a befuddlement judges often express when dealing with science ( and revealing again that science is not yet part of the mainstream of education ) one of the justices said : ‘ There are Harvard law professors on both sides of this case ; I had hoped you could get together and lead us out of the wilderness . ’
37 Finally I took a few ends of each colour ( I had n't got much to deal with ) and knitted pieces about twenty stitches by twenty rows , clipped them all together and sent them in with my resignation .
38 It 's come in in different ways , maths , English and science from Spring Gardens is separate separate sheets which we can actually take out the files and give to each department , there 's no problem there Saint John 's again , is separate sheets , Collingwood is n't , it 's actually on photocopiable sheets , we either cut them up and give them out separately in some form or whatever , and what I 've , what we hope to do over the next maybe this year is to ask them for a sheet each , for each subject that we can actually take out of the file and give to each department , so that is has arrived , it ha did arrive last year but it arrived in such hotch botch that we did n't actually give it out , but we certainly have it this year and Marian and I certainly , Marian anyway will get that together and give it out to departments .
39 Mr Browning coming in at that very moment ran to his wife 's side and all but hauled her out of the bed in order to get her upright — in a moment , the convulsion was over and she sank back quite exhausted and drained .
40 In addition Drury persuaded one witness to amend his evidence so as to incriminate Cooper , arranged for another to be shown a photograph of McMahon so as to pick him out in an identification parade , omitted to tell the defence of two witnesses crucial to their case , cited another as prosecution witness to prevent the defence from calling him , and bribed two prisoners in Leicester Prison , where McMahon was on remand , to say that McMahon had admitted to them his part in the crime .
41 Ganymede was beloved by ZEUS , who assumed the guise of an eagle so as to spirit him up to Olympus ; there he was given immortality and became the gods ' cup-bearer , responsible for giving them their daily draught of the Elixir of Life .
42 They had their midday meal fairly early , so as to have it out of the way before their peculiar visitor arrived .
43 Untypically for his age , Chris preferred to play most of his shots to the off rather than drag everything round to leg .
44 Thus Leo I thought it better that his congregation should keep their fasting for the proper liturgical seasons publicly set aside for it , rather than carry it out as a private ascetic exercise .
45 We 've tried to love both dogs equally , and simply separate them for a cooling-off period after a fight , rather than telling them off in any way .
46 Naturally we will exercise discretion , but we wish to make the sharing of information normal , rather than leaving it up to the client to make the case for access .
47 Reliability in supplies : It is likely that a firm has greater control over reliability of supplies if it makes a component rather than buying it in from another firm .
48 But it must be equally obvious that during spells of prolonged rain the rabbits are much more likely to stay underground in the warmth and security of their burrow systems rather than braving it out in the open and being constantly soaked .
49 The soundproofing between its three sections is excellent and helped enormously by the fact that the PA system drops sound down from the ceiling rather than pushing it out from the front .
50 NORTH Sea oil costs could be reduced by a novel plan to build and test subsea production equipment at onshore sites rather than hooking it up on the seabed .
51 This means leaving faeces in a prominent place , rather than covering them up in the litter tray .
52 This means that in most cases it is more likely to be a matter of relaxing the forward pressure to allow the aircraft to level out rather than pulling it out with a positive backward pressure on the stick .
53 That is , they were conscious of the rule , and rather than following it out of obligation , they were using it for their own benefit , as a sort of ‘ officializing ’ or ‘ universalizing ’ strategy in order to ‘ cloak themselves in legitimation ’ .
54 I took to spending more time with my mother again , rather than shutting myself up in my caravan .
55 Sanguinetti 's faction of the PC , although not opposed to privatization as such , opposed Lacalle 's plan to sell off state assets through direct negotiations with potential buyers rather than putting them up for public tender .
56 The Graduate Enterprise Programme can change that by helping you jump each hurdle , rather than letting you in for the high jump .
57 ‘ Tony was thinking of packing it in over a month ago but I told him to go away and talk it over with his family first .
58 On July 12 , 1989 , the Grey Panthers , formerly a group of some 25,000 members within the Greens reflecting the interests of older citizens , split away and set itself up as a new political party called the Greys ( die Grauen ) .
59 Murray reached for the mop but Richard pulled it away and squeezed it out in the bucket as he had seen the maids do .
60 Insert needle again in stitch above and bring it out through the next stitch at the left ( Fig. 4 ) .
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