Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [verb] [pron] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Then the door of the Earl 's hall slowly yielded , and his father carried him in and laid him on the same bales .
2 she was smoking like that so I made her a cup of tea took it in and put it on the stool .
3 Right , I got a cheque in my pocket made out to pay cash so she said you can go in and cash it on the counter .
4 She leaned in and pecked me on the lips .
5 Of course , the result was , anybody watching you timed how long it took to go from the Dock gate to sign in and put it on the spike .
6 Extract 1 A : so if there 's a hardware store we could call in and get one on the way back B : do you think there is one A : yes B : OK then * A : that would be nice would n't it ?
7 She pushed them down and left them on the floor .
8 But in that case you just take a piece of new paper and put the down and put it on the clip .
9 Said it 's electric , I 'm just going to unplug it and bring it down and put it on the work top .
10 The medal was handed to her on a velvet cushion and she bent down and hung it on a little hook with which we had each been provided on arrival .
11 She was taking off her hat and coat as she spoke ; then going over to her aunt , she bent down and kissed her on the cheek , and followed this with the same salutation for her uncle ; and in response he patted her on the shoulder .
12 He bent down and kissed her on the lips .
13 Suddenly he pulled her head down and kissed her on the lips .
14 I forced the gun down and hit myself on the knees .
15 P.S. I think we left some skeletons in water , if so , tell James to take them out merely and lay them on the table to dry .
16 the the flats is er a a no go area sort of thing and a kid 'll come along and spray summat on a wall and next day three kids 'll come along and spray things on the wall , so that you 've got more and more graffiti going all over the place , more and more rubbish , more and more people coming to the flats just to get into trouble .
17 Lucinda jumped to her feet , collecting cups , plates and cutlery together and placing them on the tray .
18 Bowes Museum is an art museum not a theme park , exercising children 's eyes and minds — their curiosity , powers of observation and fledgling intelligence — rather than taking them on a rollercoaster ride .
19 Freud 's psychology belongs to the kind which seeks to understand human behaviour rather than to explain it on a scientific basis ; that is , it is verstehende psychology rather than erklärende psychology .
20 The belief of the NUT that intelligence tests would be used to grade pupils on one scale rather than place them on a set of scales was amply vindicated .
21 I could tell he was pleased with himself but a bit scared , just like when he used to keep the half-crown Father gave him on Sundays , rather than put it on the collection plate .
22 The owner of the estate , American John Kluge , agreed in principle to sell the estate to the crown rather than put it on the open market , but he did not consider the resulting offer to be high enough .
23 By now , having experienced the sensation of flying , he felt that his future was in flying the aircraft rather than servicing them on the ground ; in April 1934 he was finally accepted for pilot training .
24 ‘ We are glad the owner has handed over the pictures of his own free will rather than selling them on the Western art market . ’
25 She took his beaker away and placed it on the balcony wall .
26 ‘ He will hear a tune on a programme and go away and play it on a keyboard .
27 ‘ We know that , Mr Vigo , ’ he said , wrenching his eyes away and fixing them on an eggshell thin service , made to contain jasmine tea .
28 Then she went through and threw herself on the comfortable cool silk bedcover , and lay in luxury , gazing up at the gently rotating white fan .
29 Ronni carried them indoors and laid them on the kitchen table , scarcely able to bear the mouth-watering aromas that were escaping from beneath the tin foil .
30 She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek .
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