Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [noun] be given to " in BNC.

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1 Tinnitus may be very mild and happen only occasionally , present only if attention is given to it , or it may be violently disrupting and at times almost unbearable .
2 In traditional moral thought hypocrisy , like lying , has always been detested as a sin against the fundamental principle of human communication , namely that language was given to mankind so that we may express our thoughts and feelings openly , honestly .
3 It has been pointed out that incense was given to Jesus at his birth , and perfume poured over him to prepare him for his death .
4 In so far as attention was given to foreign affairs , there was a powerful inclination to test out the potential of the United Nations .
5 The power generators have argued that the price rises came about when subsidies were given to large firms , which added to the domestic power bills .
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